8 🦔

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Later that day Bonnie and Chan went to the gym to work out. Jisung and Jeongin went on a walk since the weather was nice that morning. As usual Hyunjin was on his phone playing among us and he wouldn't stop bugging Minho so he could join him in his game. All that was left was Felix and I. He decided that we go and hang out and look at some shops, so I agreed. We haven't had bestfriend time to ourselves in a while so I'd took advantage of that.

While at she shops we decided to get ice cream. I offered to pay but he wouldn't let me. But I still got the flavor I wanted. He had got mint chip and I got Taro. Taro tasted like a cookie to me and I loved it. I tried to give some to Felix but he would take any. He told me he never liked it and the color three him off. I found that super strange.

After that we went to the market to get healthy food for the group and I since we decided to lose weight together. We got some veggies and turkey meat since that was the cleanest meat that we could eat. We also got bento boxes so we can portion our food.

My phone kept buzzing and I was wondering who kept spamming me and it was Chan. Felix looked worried but it was just a lot of photos he sent me. I opened it to see a photo of Chan, Binnie, and TAEYANG!?!? Like THE taeyang from bigbang. I showed Felix and he was just as jealous as I was. Him and I were all huge fans of his group. Felix and I couldn't stop being jealous that they had seen him. Felix and aj regretted not working out that day. For Chan it was nothing new he always ran into idols. It was called luck for that man.

We got back to the dorm and everyone was there minus Woojin and Seungmin so we decided to just chill since we didn't do anything huge that day.

While I was sitting on the couch, Chan came and layed on my lap and I played with his hair. Jeongin thought it was a great idea to put on another scary movie and no one complained but Hyunjin. He's always a drama queen when it comes to horror movies. Chan was holding me tight because he thought J was scared but I wasn't, but his arms felt nice to be in so I didn't move or say anything.

When the movie ended it was 12am and no one was tired. We all decided to stay up and just talk. Before that Minho had to go facetime his cats, Sooni, doongi, and dori before his mom was going to sleep. Everyone laughed at Minho for it but he looked super serious so we all stopped laughing. After about what seemed about hours Minho came back. He sat next to Jisung when there was 2 chairs opened but he liked it with him but no one complained.

We tried to think of another movie to watch but no one could choose and nothing seemed good. But we also decided to play a game. We all tried a board game but no one liked it. But Hyunjin came up with the idea of spin the bottle. Jeongin and I were grossed out while the others were down. Even Chan.

The game was a mix of spin the bottle and Seven minutes in heaven. I really didn't care because I didn't think any of the boys had the balls to kiss eachother. So Jeongin and I decided to go play video games for an hour then go check up on the boys.

"Oh wow who just got done in the closet" I giggled

"Jisung and Minho" Chan said laughing "they were really going at it"

Jisung s ears got really red. Minho wouldn't stop blushing when we mentioned it. I was in shock they actually kissed...

Chan's turn was next to spin the bottle. When he spinner it, it wouldn't stop so I stomped on the floor to stop it and it landed on Felix. I truly didn't believe Chan and Felix we're gonna do anything so I sat back and waited. They walked in and all you could hear were the sound of lips smacking eachother while they kissed. No one had their phone on or anything so it wasn't like a prank or any devices making the noise.

I, being super curious, seen a peep hole to look inside. I signaled the boys and they didn't seem to care so I looked in. I was super shocked to see them going at it. I looked back at the boys in pure shock.

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