7 🦔

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It was the next morning. I noticed that Chan, Jisung and Changbin were gone. I was assuming they were working on a 3racha song so I didn't want to bather any of them. Since they were gone thag meant less people to cook for so I grabbed Hyunjin and we started to cook breakfast. We had the standard American breakfast which was Eggs, bacon and pancakes. We made enough to feed 7 hungry boys and I. They enjoyed it which made me super happy.

Everyone was finishing eating and I volunteered to to do the dishes. While i was cleaning I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss Chan and I had last night. It gave me so many butterflies in my stomach. I really loved and cared for him. He made me so happy and less insecure about my body and my flaws.

Later that night

It soon became night and that meant 3Racha would be coming home. They weren't going to be home for mother two hours so I thought i'd make dinner for them and all the boys. I grabbed Woojin to help make dinner with me and he agreed.

"Y/n what are we making" he asked me

"Oh we are making tteokbokki!!" I said happily

"Ahh why are you so cute when you do that?" he played around.

I gave him a soft smile. I was super grateful for Woojin. He's super sweet to me and I appreciate that. He helped me cook the tteokbokki and that make me less insecure about my cooking and how it'll turn out. We had to add so many spices and sauces and use the correct temperature so it would turn out perfect. I has also made some noodles to go with the rice cakes so it wouldn't be so plain. After it was all done I had called the boys to come eat and that's when Chan, Changbin and Jisung came home.

After I served them I served myself and met woojin in the kitchen because he needed to serve himself too. Before I could grab a dish to get food J was cut off by Woojin hugging me. I was surprised.

"Y/n I miss you so much." he started to sob "I'm so sorry I'm not here most the time to help you or any of the boys I've been so busy with music as well as the rest of them" he had hugged me tighter

"Awe it's okay you're busy and that's okay I completely understand" I comforted him

We walked out and joined everyone at the table and joked around.  I was thinking about how Woojin just sobbed in my arms for a few moments. Since he was the oldest he never really showed emotion but when he did I always knew he was serious. Him and Chan always made me feel safe from the start and when Chan wasn't there Woojin gave me the closure I needed.

After an hour of us eating and talking every one took their plates to the kitchen and I was doing the dishes. That's when Minho came and gave me a hug from behind telling Woojin and I we did a good job.

"mmm y/n woojinhyung you guys did great" he said with a smile

We thanked him and hugged back.

Minho was the type of friend to be affectionate but not catch any feelings. It never bugged Chan or I when he was affectionate to him and I. We both knew Minho liked Jisung and Jisung only. Obviously he would t like us 🙄

After I was done cleaning Channie told me they made a song about me and I was never more confused in my life. Jisung was super excited to show me the song.

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