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It's already been 2 1/2 months since i've seen my boys. I started to miss them so much. Since most flights were canceled to Korea it would be a while until I can go back.

I felt my phone buzzing and it was the group chat I had with the boys.

Come back already :(!
Love you lots <3
Canman 🐱:
My cats miss you Y/N.
We all love you
Seungmin 👊:
Come home already 😟
Baby bread:
What is dis... why aren't you home we miss you:((
Miss you a lot
Boyfriend 💯:
Babe we all miss you please come back!
Brownie boy:
Y/n we all miss you!! I love you.
I miss you all too I'm trying my best to get to you guys :(((!


I missed all of my boys so much and they really needed me back in Korea to help with work. I hate working but with them it's like I was barely there helping because they make everything so much better. I missed being in Korea, but Covid was very bad so I couldn't leave anytime soon.

A few days past and I noticed my mom hasn't been talking to me like usual. I tried to talk to her but she kept ignoring me and it left me confused because I hadn't done anything wrong.

"Hey why aren't you talking to me" I snapped at her

I realized I said that in Korean and by that I knew I been away from Korea too long.

"Mom" I asked "Why aren't you talking to me anymore?"

She just walked away from me.

It was the next day and I heard a knock at my door. I assumed it was my mom because she always leave early in the morning for work and comes back the same morning.

I opened the door to be greeted by all 9 boys I have been missing.

"Oh my god" I said in shock "I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH"

We all grouped hugged for a long amount of time. I now understood why my mom has been ignoring me. It was because she flew them out to me.

I was so happy to see them all. It was the most happiest i've ever been since I got to USA.

I wanted to spend all the time they were here in my
home town with them but I didn't know what to show them because my town wasn't that interesting.

I lived in North California so I had to be the one to give them a tour of my sad town so I asked them what they wanted to do. They were not helping by saying I had to choose because I lived here.

It was 9 grown men and me so it would be pretty difficult trying to olease them all.

"Okay guys we are going to go to Downtown Sacramento so we are gonna have to go in pairs because there's like isles to explore. And we have cameras with us." I told them. They agreed and we chose pairs

Since we had cameras with us it was being recorded for a tiny little videos on the stray kids youtube channel. I wouldn't be able to pair with Chan for obvious reasons but it wasn't that bad. We had the manager pull stick with our names on it to show us our pairs and I was hoping to pull Chans name.

The pairs ended up being: Jeongin and Seungmin; Woojin and Changbin; Minho and Hyunjin; Jisung and Chan:

That meant I was paired with Felix. I didn't have a problem with it because I knew Felix for so long and him and I were best friends.

It felt good knowing I was finally gonna spend time with Felix after so long.

I gave all of the members a map around downtown Sac so they wouldn't get lost considering there were a lot of stores. I recommend a few stores to them because I knew they would like them.

We spent about 3 1/2 hours downtown. Felix and I had a great time and caught up with each other.

It became night super fast meaning we had to get all the boys to the hotel so they can sleep because my house wasn't big enough for them.

Everyone had they're own room with whom they wanted to share with and I shared with Chan because I missed him a lot. He was my first boyfriend I ever had. Him and I still haven't kissed. I was too scared to kiss and I don't know how to. I found that embarrassing because everyone knows how to kiss but I didn't. I would assume you put your lips together but it involves moving but it's not that simple.

I'm way to shy to ask Chan how to kiss, the most we have done was a forehead an cheek kiss.

Chan and I always have stayed up late to work on my anxiety because Chan believes I can get way better.

"Channie." I said "We have to sleep it's very late"

"Nooo baby i'm fine I promise i'm super used to this" He replied

"But we have to get up early to find tickets to go ba-"
Chan cut me off by putting his finger to my lips to make me quiet.

We started in eachother eyes for what seemed like forever. His blonde hair was messy from his beanie and my half dyed hair was messy from wearing his hoodie. We stared into each other's eyes for a solid two minutes before Chan broke it by removing his finger from my lips.

He started making his way closer to my face. My face became hot and I could feel his breath on my face.

"Y/n I love you" Chan said quietly

He leaned in more breaking the silence and kissed me. I was shocked because he was my first kiss. I felt his soft lips move against mine. My lips were moving along with his. It was almost natural. After a while it became a make out session. Chan really knew how to lift my anxiety away from me.

He pulled me on his lap and we continued to kiss. I had butterflies in my stomach from him kissing me but before you knew it, it was over.

He looked me in my face and we kissed one more time and we went to sleep.

I was so happy to have my first kiss with him. I slept peaceful that night.

Hello it's been awhile and like idk if this is good or not but i tried my best and i'm trying to find a way to like make it make sence yk lol 🚣‍♀️

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