Chapter 12

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While the sun rose over the buildings of Barcassa, the creatures of the ocean sped to Sterling. Staring out the window, Cold thought of her home. Though they were in the ocean when she swallowed Blue Land with a tidal wave, Cold saw the damage the ocean had done. She heard the destruction that she caused.

Every hour, a broadcast went out over the radio in the car, reporting the rising number of dead bodies found, and the few who managed to survive. But worst of all, she'd hear her name being tarnished.

Cold felt sick to her stomach, and worst, she missed her parents. Though she had wished most of her life for them to die, she prayed that they were alive. She prayed that her father was still alive, so she could tell him all about her little adventure when she got back.

If she got back.

Her mind wandered to Jaycell's death. What if that's how she'd go? Beheaded like a low life, no mercy given.

Nate never took his eyes off of her. Since telling her the truth, their friendship had improved but was still a bit rocky.

He knew that there was a possibility that things would never get better, and for the first time in his life, he had accepted that.

However, he would do anything to pull his skeletons back into the closet. To turn back time, and never have the truth be revealed.

But he knew that wouldn't do any good. He'd still be self-loathing and guilty. He'd still have to struggle to hold it together every time Cold cried on his shoulder in grief.

Though things weren't great, he knew this was as good as it would get.

So as he stared at her across the backseat of the car, chewing on her fingernails, rapidly shaking her leg, he battled with his instinct. He wanted to reach out and hug her, just like he used to. But would she receive it?

Would she pull away or would she embrace him?

Slowly, he slid his hand across the car seat. Brushing his fingers against hers, he silently asked for permission to hold her hand.

Opening her hand, Nate softly grabbed hold of it, giving a firm squeeze.

"I know we're not on the best terms," he whispered, "but I just want you to know, I'm here."

Her only response was a lone tear that rolled down her face. Her eyes never left the sunny view outside of the window.

Fighting tears of his own, Nate turned away. If they made it out of this alive, he promised to do everything in his power to win back his best friend. Giving her hand one more squeeze, he begged his heart to stop plaguing him with agony.


Hours passed and a drastic change had been observed in the car. Instead of silence that festered painful reflections, there was loud singing, well, screeching, and laughter.

After hearing the same reports being broadcast in the car for almost half a day, Xavier made the executive decision to find a station that cared more about music than current events. For a moment, they were going to pretend like they were not on the run, searching for a creature that they knew little to nothing about.

As the laughter died down in the car, they sat in comfortable silence, music playing in the background.

"How did you two become creatures of the ocean?" Cold ask, curiosity ringing in her voice.

"Yeah. Javier, you never told me what pushed you to want to take up this mantle," Nate added.

"Yes Javier, what brought you to accept this dreadful faith?" Xavier instigated.

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