3. Whisky Throttle

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Sophia's POV:

After getting ready, throwing my hair in a messy bun and putting on my chest protector, jersey, pants, boots, neckbrace, gloves, and helmet, I rode down in first gear to the starting gate. Wyatt and Justin did pretty good their first race, with Wyatt getting 3rd and Justin getting 5th. Not their best but they could make up for it in the second moto. Brody and I just talked while waiting in staging, since they were only on the 11th race. I was getting more nervous as the racers completed each lap. I know Brody could sense this, because he kept glancing over at me, but he didn't say anything because he knew I didn't want to talk about it. I have always kept things to myself. I don't know why, but it just became something I did as I got older. If I wanna talk about something, I will say it.

" #04 Sophia Ashford," The butterflies in my stomach were making me want to throw up. I get why the boys don't eat much, and wished i wouldn't have eaten that pancake. I push my bike to one of the starting gates on the right. It's where Wyatt and Justin always set up so I figured it was a good enough gate pick. Brody's name gets called and he picks one of the spots a little to my left, close enough that we could talk. Wyatt and Justin came running up to me with my dad behind them, they helped me set my gate and tell me what line to pick even though I was only half listening.

My nerves were getting to me. This shouldn't feel that different since I have raced this track on quads many times, and helped Wyatt and Justin set their gates a million times, it just felt different. The 12th race was now on their second out of four laps, so it was getting close to go time. Maybe I should have done the women's class for my first race. Because all these boys look way older than me, maybe it's just because I can't see their face. And there are like 20 of them which is more than there usually is here. I recognize a couple of the names, the regulars that raced here last year and years before. The white flag comes out for the other race and my eyes are focused on the dirt in front of me when I feel someone punch my arm.

"Soph you got this. You can beat all their stupid asses." Brody says giving me a fist pump. I just nod my head and slightly smile. I kick start my bike, revving the engine to let it warm up. Both Wyatt, Justin, and my dad wish me good luck.

The thirty second board comes out and I take one more glance at all the riders. Suddenly all the butterflies leave my stomach as I lean forward, putting my elbows up, eyes on the gate, ready for it to drop at any second. The adrenaline finally taking over my nerves. All I try to focus on is making it through the race. This race is the equivalent to me and the boys racing in my backyard. I could beat them if I put my mind to it. I just could not mess it up from the start, that meant no whisky throttling it, no getting squirrelly, and no running into someone else.

The gate drops, and I take off. After the first corner, I end up somewhere around 8th or 9th place I'm guessing. With Brody a couple spots ahead of me and the person in front of me only a bike spot away, I twist the throttle more and take off focusing on the lines and ruts on the track.

By the time the white flag comes out I have surprisingly made it to fourth place. The third place rider has the name Madden on the back and the number 555. I recognize him, he raced here last year. We have been battling for third most of this lap and I am on the verge of passing him. I click into fifth gear on the straight away, pushing my limits slightly since I am getting tired, and twist the throttle. I end up making a clean pass on him and I am now behind Brody. I am doing better than I thought I would. I can hear the announcer speaking in the background as Brody makes a small mistake with a cross rut, which allows me to pass him. Lucky day for me I guess. I cross the finish line jump and the bleachers, doing a small whip not trying to show off or anything.

I ride back to our camper and hop off my bike, not even being able to take off my helmet before four people hug me at once. After quickly hugging them back then pushing them away, I realize it's Brody, Wyatt, Justin, and Callie, my best friend that I met last year. She races quads and we were always competing for first place when I raced with her. They all have giant smiles on their faces.

"You did so good Soph, you even beat me. But that's cause I made a stupid mistake. But I told you I could do it." Brody said while hugging me again.

"Thanks. Plus I beat you fair and square." I push him away. "Ok. Go and put some deodorant on bro, you stink." He rolls his eyes at me and starts heading towards his camper parked not far from ours.

"Fine, but i'll be back to celebrate." He points at me and winks. "Don't get too cocky, you still have another moto, that I plan to beat you in."

"Yeah you wish!" I let out a laugh.

"Great job, I'm surprised you did that good for your first race." Justin says to me.

"Hey that's mean, you said i'll do fine."

"I knew you would do good, just not that good." He snorts, "Do you remember my first race? I placed in last and made it around the track once. And it took Wyatt multiple years to even place in the top three." I snort at this.

"Yep, I remember. I had to say you guys did great when in reality, you were slower than the little 50cc riders."

"HEY!" Wyatt says laughing, "that's just straight up rude."

"It's the truth though." I say laughing, while heading under the tent and take off my gloves and goggles. The boys head back over to our parents. I'm just about to take off my helmet when I see someone walking towards our camper. I figure they are just walking past but I stop to look at them quickly anyway. I turn back around and untie my helmet strap not when all of a sudden someone calls my name.

¨Hey Ashford!¨ I hear someone call from behind me. I turn around to see the same kid I bumped into earlier. Now that I was not so nervous I could tell he was around my age. His red, white, and blue  American Fast House pants. His alpinestar Tech 10 boots, his wavy brown hair messy from his helmet with the sweat making it look a little darker than it is. Those dark blue eyes. And he may or may not have had abs, not that I was looking or anything. But I mean he didn't have his jersey on so anyone could clearly see that. He was probably around 5'11. And he held a gatorade bottle in his left hand.

¨What?¨ I say kinda annoyed cause I still haven't taken off my helmet.

¨You were really good out there, bro. You almost beat me. Are you new? I've never seen you race? I think your brother races though.¨ He says while still walking towards me.

¨First of all thanks and this is my first race. Second of all I'm not a ¨bro¨.¨I smile and take off my helmet, shaking out my hair.

The look of surprise on his face made my day.

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