9. Squirrelly

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Sophia's POV:

As soon as I stormed out I got questionable looks from the boys and Kylee I just shrugged them off and walked back to my camper. I could not deal with this today. I had not gotten more than 3 hours of sleep last night because I was worrying about racing tomorrow, and I broke my clutch off my bike riding yesterday so we had to scramble to get a new one for this weekend. I was stressed and Aiden was not helping. I decided the best thing to do was to just forget it and go practice.

I threw on my gear, braided my hair, and walked over to my bike. I hoped Kylee was not mad at me for ditching her but she would be fine with Wyatt and Justin until I cooled off. Before throwing my helmet on, I put my airpods in and hit play on my playlist. Music always helped me focus and calm down.

While practicing on the track, I looked over to the bleachers when I passed the towers to see Brody and Aiden sitting there with worried looks on their faces. I knew they were worried about me riding when I was upset, but I could care less at the moment. I was just about to look back at the dirt in front of me when I went a little squirrely but saved it. My heart was beating out of my chest then and I saw out of the corner of my eye the Brody and Aiden at the fence, looking at me nervously. I gave them a thumbs up and went back to finishing my practice. As mad as I was at Aiden I was not gonna let Brody worry.


Sorry super short one.

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