8. Besties

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Aiden's POV:

After the bonfire night, we immediately all became close. I think it was when Sophia asked if we had any fireworks that we all realized that we had a lot in common and that we all would become "besties" or whatever you wanna call us. It's been about a month since that night, which was Memorial day weekend and we have all become unbelievably close. It was now Fourth of July weekend and we were all at the races except Sophia. It was Saturday morning now and Wyatt and Justin were here, but she was not. Apparently she had a softball game last night and she could not come early, plus she was bringing her best friend, Karlie or something.

Practice was about to start but I was over at Sophia's camper waiting for her to arrive, which would be any minute now. I was starting to doze off because I had not gotten the best sleep last night when I heard a car door slam. I sit up quickly just as Sophia gets out of the car, which I had not heard pull up. I run and tackle her into a hug just as Brody, Kaiden, and Mark do too. It was like we had not even seen each other for a month but in reality I saw her on Wednesday. Tyler still was not totally sold on becoming best friends with them, but he was slowly warming up. I think his ego was taking the biggest hit, because of being friends with a girl, who is a better racer than him.

"SOPH!!!" I yell as she laughs at us.

Later that day after I had been introduced to her friend, which I had learned her name was Kylee, and after practice was over we were all hanging outside at Brody's camper, around the small fire.

Kylee was a pretty girl, but not as beautiful as Sophia. Shit, I can't think that about her like that. I haven't had a girlfriend since my player phase last summer. And even if I thought of Soph like that, which I don't. I was warned by Wyatt and Justin that if I ever tried anything I would be dead and they would have no problem with it.

All of a sudden I was elbowed in the side by Wyatt who was sitting next to me and he nodded his head towards Kylee. I look at her with a questioning look.

"Hey, we should all hang out more. You guys seem like fun people to hang out with." She says.

"Definitely. Plus I tried to invite you to hang out with us multiple times but you were too busy with Logan." Sophia says and Kylee winces at her last couple words which I thought was odd. Sophia also sends her an apologetic look quickly and Paulie and Wyatt look angry at something before Sophia looks at them and sends them the ¨knock it off" look.

"Yeah that'd be cool. I would love to get to know your pretty face better" I said, immediately cringing at my words, as all the boys try to hold back their laughter. Kylee blushed slightly and tried to hide her face. I noticed that Sophia did not laugh or even look amused, but sat there glaring at me with a grim look on her face. Which was odd cause usually when I tried to flirt with someone, she laughed, tried to embarrass me, or told me that I never had a chance with that girl. I sent her a "What" look.

She stood up and gestured to me. "Can we talk for a second." She said in a more statement than a question. I looked at the boys for help and they all just shrugged before nodding and standing up and following her inside the camper. Right before I shut the door behind me, I looked back behind me to see Justin was the only one still looking at me and he mouthed "good luck" before turning around.

I took one deep breath before asking Sophia, "Whats up?"

"Whats up?!" She says laughing a little while looking at me seriously. "What's up is that you can not flirt with Kylee."

"Why not?" I asked confused, matching her tone. I did not see where she was getting with this.

"Because she just got out of a bad breakup and she is not taking it well." She says sighing.

"Oh ok, I'll stop then." I say stepping closer to her and grabbing her arms gently and looking her in the eyes. "You could have told me that, and I wouldn't have done it in the first place."

She looks relieved when looks back at me and says, " I did not think you would flirt with her, you should learn to take a hint." She says smiling slightly. "I was just looking out for her, she doesn't need to be hurt by you too."

I wince and try to play it off as I act offended. My player phase was not a time I was proud of and I am glad she did not know me then. And then I say something under my breath which I should have kept to myself, "She does have a hot body though."

As soon as I say it I faceplant. And unfortunately for me Sophia heard it. It was sort of a lie and I knew it, she does have a hot body but I did not like her or want her. I watched as her face turned cold and she huffs and storms out of the camper. The look on her face let me know that I had my work cut out for me and I groaned. As much as I knew she wanted to kill me then, I couldn't help myself to think that she was cute when she was pissed off. And that's when I realized that I think I might like her. 


Big time jump but when I edit this book I might add some of them hanging out and becoming closer in there.

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