5. "Track Snacks"

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Sophia's POV:

It was time for the boys second moto and I went down to staging with them. We got down there a little early and we were all just joking around and talking.

"So?" Justin says to me.


"Sooooo..... Look I saw the way you looked at Aiden, you thinks he's cute." Justin says, smirking. Wyatt just laughs.

"Ok, Jesus Christ. I can't even think someones cute without getting a lecture from you two. Yeah he may be kinda cute, but you both know I don't want a boyfriend right now."

"still..... knew it." Justin says.

"We weren't gonna lecture you.... yet." Wyatt says lowly.

"Yeah okay. Lets see if I can lecture myself for you. Don't do anything stupid, you're not sure if he's an ok guy yet, be careful, and finally you guys will follow me around trying to be sneaky for the next year or so." I say rolling my eyes. They both raise their eyebrows and smile.

"Saved us from telling you that." Wyatt says.

"We don't follow you around." Justin says while looking at the ground which is how I can tell hes lying, plus I've caught them doing it before. 

When I first started hanging out with Brody they would ride their bikes around trying to see what we were doing. They stopped after a while because they became friends with Brody. And it doesn't help that Brody will help them now. If I even say a boy is cute on my phone or just text with a boy they ask Kylee, my best friend since we were like 6, who is like a sister to me and the boys, to find everything she can about this boy. I literally can't do anything behind their backs.

"Yeah ok." I say rolling my eyes as the guy calls their names to pick their gate. 

They ended up getting second and third. 

While Waiting for me and Brody's second moto, we had been sitting around the fire, talking about random things and what we would do this summer. When Ali Reed comes walking up. Let me tell you about Ali, her dad is a motocross trainer and her brother races, so everyone at the track knows her. Her and her best friend Kayla White go around and talk to every boy at the track. Now while some boys would call them the "track snacks" others just think she wants attention. I'm pretty sure they have talked to every moto boy in the area within 3 years of our age. They are the girls who make their way around the track.  And Kayla even tried to talk to Brody one time.

Ali walks right up behind Brody and smiles. I snort and nod my head at Brody signaling for him to look behind him. Wyatt tries to hold in his laugh as Brody looks back and jumps, making a disgusted face when looking back at me sort of glaring. I lose it laughing right then and there.

Justin walked over  from inside the camper because we told him to go make some popcorn.

"Ok, so I don't know how this is going to taste as I may have burnt it." He says looking down at the bag of popcorn in his hands, not noticing Ali yet.  As soon as she sees him, Ali runs over to him and pulls him into a hug, her back towards us.

"Justinnnnnn!! I've missed you." She says, sounding so excited. Now Ali is my age and because I might be just a little overprotective of the boys, I would never let them date someone like her, but by the look on Justin's face I knew I didn't have to worry. He just stands there shocked.

He mouths, "Help me! What is she doing here." I laugh and shrug. Before mouthing back.

"She must have missed you!" He rolls his eyes.

He looks at us again after a second, "What do I do?" Wyatt nods his head over to me and I look at him confused, Brody's still laughing when he walks over and grabs the popcorn from the ground that Ali knocked out of his hand when she attacked him with the hug. Justin smirks before looking me in the eyes and saying. 

"Hey Ali. Sophia saw a group of new racers today. She said they were super cute. Maybe you and her should go check them out before anyone else gets to them." I glare at him in shock and shake my head. She looks over and smiles at me, pulling away from Justin.

"Omg yesss we should, but first I gotta go change, I look like a hobo, i'll be right back." She says while jogging off to go back to her camper. Brody spit out the popcorn.

"Dude this is gross." Justin just shrugs then looks back to me as I am still glaring at him.

"I'm giving you a 10 second head start." I say crossing my arms and giving him my famous death stare. His eyes widen in fear before he turns and starts running towards one of the empty fields that no one is parked in. Just because they are bigger than me doesn't mean they aren't sacred of me. I've beat their asses plenty of times. So I can clearly say they are scared of me and have been since the one time, I locked them in the dark closet for a couple of hours with the spiders because they shot me with a paintball gun.

"Uh oh." Wyatt says, trying not to laugh.

"This is when we need the popcorn." Brody says shaking his head and taking a big sip of his Gatorade. I follow right behind Justin, going faster than he is.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Justin Thomas Rivers." I say while catching up to him quickly. Whenever I use his full name, or even just his middle name he knows he messed up.


Sorry these chapters are so short. The next one will be super long and there will be some drama coming up. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or there is anything you want to see happen in the book. I'm always up for suggestions. Also sorry if there is any grammar mistakes, I didn't not spend a lot of time editing this. Thanks.


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