chapter 5

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karl pov

I woke up pretty early with a bad head, I really can't remember much from last night other than I was extremely drunk. I felt myself lying next to something and I was pretty warm so I so tried to grab my phone to see what the time was however I was pulled closer to the person and they snuggled their head into my neck.

"Dude let me grab my phone to check the time?" I asked as I tried to pry the arms off of my chest to grab my phone but I felt them shake my head and I sighed at them. "Let me check the time and you can go back to cuddling me because its comfy, and only that ok." I felt them slowly release their tight grip from me to grab my phone and as quickly as they let go, their arms snaked round my waist again. I checked the time to see it be 7:49am, still pretty early so i set my phone back down next to me and try to figure out who was cuddling me. I know it most likely be Dream or George as, well I'm sure they would rather be sleeping together than with me. It also doesn't feel like Quackity because if I remember, I think he went up to sleep first so I guess the last option I have is sapnap. Oh, I wonder how we ended up like this but my memory is pretty fuzzy from the night before. I don't remember much from after quackity left to sleep other than we played truth or dare but I guess I will ask the others when I eventually peel myself from sapnap and go downstairs.

"Hey sapnap, can you let go so I can go downstairs to get some pain killers for me head please?" I asked, trying to escape from his grasped but failing. I heard him muffle a no which means I'm going to have to force myself away from his arms. I started poking him to hopefully annoy him and that he will eventually let go but that plan didn't work as he just tightened his grip, is he still drunk or something? I'm normal the clingy one. Clearly me and sapnap have changed roles this morning, I guess.

"Fine, fine I'll let go but I'm going to cuddle you tonight, you're comfy to hug." He whispered, I felt myself blush at his words and I managed to escape and run downstairs. Suddenly my headache wasn't half as bad as it was so there wasn't any need for the pain killers.

I thought about what he had said to me and wondered if he actually knew what he said and did as he seemed to still be half asleep or if he said it on purpose. I've known that I've liked men for a while now, and I may have developed a crush on sapnap around the time we first met which was roughly nearly 7 months. It's a long time to like someone to only know that they don't like you back and it does hurt when you eventually realise that but I've learnt to push pass that one feeling. However, he does sometimes give me hope that he likes me back but I know it's just my mind playing tricks on me.

I turned on the stove to try to make us all pancakes, and it went well. I didn't burn or ruin any unlike quackity did a couple days ago. I heard someone come downstairs and as I turned around, I saw a hand sneakily steal a plate of the pancakes. I didn't necessary care as it was for them so I let them.

"Did you make these? I can't even make them without burning them," yea, I'm guessing that was Quackity who said that because he's the only person I know who can't make pancakes. I laughed at what he said and grabbed my own plate and sat down next to him. We just sat there either in silence or very small conversations about something random.

Eventually everyone was downstairs, and finished our food and I looked out the window and it looked like we were about to have a storm. That's going to ruin our plans but I guess we can change them to another day. As I was walking away from the window, I heard the rain pouring down and Dream mentioning that it's meant to be raining for a couple days. That's going to be fun because we all are stuck inside of the house and that will defiantly cause chaos.

Later in the day I was curious of what I did last night because Dream and George kept on looking at me in a way that I did something so I did the thing and asked them why they keep on looking at me like that. They just laughed and it seemed like they didn't want to tell me and kept on teasing me about me being way to drunk to remember anything.

"Ok ok fine, we'll tell you but you really can't remember much from after Quackity left? Alright then," he the proceeded to explain the gam we played and then he mentioned something about sapnap telling me a dare to kiss someone in the room and I ended up kissing Sapnap. Well drunk me fucked up did I. I was worried that I was going to end up doing something that I will regret but they said that Sapnap looked way more shocked and startled than I was so I guess it didn't end up that bad. They also mentioned how he took me into my room and ended up falling asleep on him. So at least I know we didn't do anything bad last night. We do only have 2 and a half weeks left of this trip and I'm thinking about confessing to him and I wanted to do it tonight but I guess it will have to wait due to the rain because we have a nice, calm beach not even 5 minutes away from the house and it has such a nice setting that it will be perfect. But I know that he most likely won't accept me but at least I'll get it off of my chest for a while.

1054 words

this feels like its going no where but i promise in the next chapter they will :)

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