chapter 6

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sapnap pov

After karl left to go downstairs I realised what I had done and instantly regretted it. Although he didn't seem to mind as he let me but I was half asleep and my stupid brain is making me to things I don't want to do. I've been trying to avoid him and it worked but what he did to me last night I could never forget about and he hasn't once left my mind since. I longed for the feeling of his soft lips on mine but I shook my head to try to remove that thought and went downstairs to get some food. I walked downstairs and saw his sat next to Quackity just talking about the most random things. Its nice that we all are together as this will probably the only chance we all will be together for once.

I looked outside and saw that it had stopped raining and it was fairly dry outside and we haven't gone to the beach yet and I wanted to see how it was like so I offered the idea and surprisingly everyone was up for it.

As it was a warm day, hot enough to go in the sea, we put on our swim clothes and headed out on the 5 minute walk down to the beach. We eventually got there and surprisingly there was a few people there and it made me think about the last time I went to the beach. Let's just say it was an experience and I haven't been to the beach since.

We set down our stuff and quackity didn't want to get in the sea yet so he stayed with our things whilst George dragged Dream away from us to probably to annoy him with the water or something.

It was a lot of fun, we splashed each other, dragged Quackity into the sea even though he was protesting that he didn't want to get wet so we pushed him over and he was mad but it eventually turned into laughter. Dream tried to push me under the water but somehow I managed to shove him over. Eventually it was starting to get dark and we started to walk back but Karl stayed for a bit longer wanting to watch the sunrise with Quackity. I headed back with the love birds, already third wheeling and we haven't even got back yet. Well, this is going to be fun till the other two get back and who knows when that will be.

When I got back, I went straight to the bathroom to have a shower because I don't want to smell like sea water all evening. When I was done, I went downstairs to see that I am indeed severely touch starved and I want to cuddle Karl as Dream and George was attached to each other like freaking glue, no surprise there. I sat on the other side of the sofa and got my phone out to watch something I find on YouTube.

"hey, Sapnap, can I ask you something?" Dream asked and I nodded, signalling to him to say the question.

"um, so its about Karl." I whipped my head up to look at them and I felt myself wanting to say something but couldn't quite say it. "I've noticed that you've either been ignoring him or blushing whenever your around him. Are you hiding something from us? You know you can tell us anything right?" I looked down in my lap and started to get a bit fidgety. I wanted to scream about how much I love him but I was also worried that the moment I open my mouth that him and Quackity could walk in and hear about it.

"I- uhh" I stuttered, still struggling to get my words out. o felt my eyes tear up and I tried to keep them in but they escaped as soon as George came over to hug me. I glanced over to look at them both and they had a knowing look in their eyes. I hugged George back in an attempt to stop my tears before he gets back.

"ok I think I understand. You like him, right?" george said as I looked back down. I nodded and at that moment I heard the front door open and we all went back to what we were doing before without looking suspicious. I really need to do something about this, and it needs to be soon, very soon.

716 words

*screams* i keep on mentioning the feelings oops

dont worry, next chapter shit will be happening :)

im also in my english lesson as im writing this and the next chapter... screw school

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