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𝓓espite James's haughty talk the first day of the job and Olivia's ramped up preening, the prince only deigns to join us a few times over the next few weeks. And when he does, he leans back in his chair, gives one-word responses, and leaves the second George dismisses us. If it weren't for his departing words of "Please inform my mother I was here," I'd forget he was even on this committee.

That's all fine with me. My first days at the castle were enough drama to last an entire book. With committee meetings, writing, dinners with Nora and the queen, and quick calls with Philip before his bedtime, suddenly 3 weeks go by and I realize it is quite possible I am enjoying my work here.

Predictably, however, that work falls to me and George, with occasional contributions from Olivia — excuse me, Her Grace.

"Tell me we're not choosing another of Hannah's books next month," Olivia says the day before our first official Iridorrian Book Club event. "No offense. I'm sure they have their audience."

"They do," I say. But as I look over the agenda for tomorrow's discussion and Q&A, I can't help but agree. I'm starting to sweat thinking about a crowded room.

Olivia reapplies her lipstick. "Do you think James is coming? He'll want to confirm the agenda for tomorrow."

George and I share a look.

"Are we sure about...the prince's involvement?" I ask.

"Are you suggesting we include him more? Because I agree," Olivia says. "For example, this part at 4:50, 'Announcements: George.' Shouldn't we have the prince do most of the speaking?"

"I thought I should, well, I only mean to say, I thought I could be of help," George stammers.

"You'll do excellent, George," I say.

He wipes his brow.

"I didn't mean involve the prince more," I continue. "Perhaps this is ... a lot of work for him? Considering his other obligations."

"I'm sure he'll make it a priority," Olivia says.

"Still, I'd like to have a backup plan. Would you like to interview me, Olivia?"

After a lip smack in her iPhone camera, Olivia pouts. "I could never! We don't need a backup. He'll be incredible."

"Will he?"

"He's the only reason so many people RSVPed!"

"That and Hannah's appearance, of course," George says.

Olivia gives me a mirthless smile. "Of course. But let's be real. He was the best thing to happen to this committee."

"Yes," I say. "I'm sure it was nice for you all to finally have a real royal."

Off Olivia's eye roll, George awkwardly tries to drive the conversation back to the agenda. But for the rest of the meeting I'm on the edge of a panic attack. As much as it pains me, I know Olivia is right. No one knows who I am here. Let's face it, people barely know who I am anywhere.

Which means the success of tomorrow's event, and my success in this position, comes down to the one person who can actually get people to come and be excited to participate.

I glance at the empty seat next to me.

Maybe he'll surprise us?


But probably not.


"Do you all have reception? I'm not sure my calls are going through." George paces around the empty multi-purpose room at the Levann Community Center, holding his phone up to the ceiling.

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