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Sima is speechless.

"I know," I say, glancing out of the car window. Iridorra's green hills roll by as we make our way to the airport.

"Han, I'm sorry. But I'm proud of you."


"Look, I know it'll take time," she says. "But I'm telling you, this contractor re-doing my office right now...You two would be great together."

It feels good to laugh after the last few days I've had.

"Also, this last chapter you sent is perfect," she continues. "This book may be the best one yet."

I fidget in my seat. "About that."

Sima doesn't say anything. I can almost sense her eyebrows shooting up on the other line.

"I've been thinking I want to try something new," I say.

I spend the rest of the way to the airport explaining some of my ideas. "But there are more," I add at the end of my breathless spiel.

"I can tell you're really excited about this."

"I am."

There are a few seconds of silence, and I think maybe I've lost the call. But then she says, "And you're sure you want to try fantasy? As your agent I have to warn you — changing genres can be a rough climb."

"Yes. I will always love romance, but I'm ready for something new. I'm sure."

For the first time in years.

"OK!" she says. "Let's chat more when you're back. We'll figure out the best way for you to do what excites you."

Exhilarated, I don't even realize the car has stopped until the driver opens the door for me.

The plane waits on the tarmac, Iridorra's white lily plastered on the side, ready to carry me home.

It's hard to imagine who I was last time I was standing here. Scared, confused, unsure. So nervous no one would like me.

I chuckle. I don't know if anyone did like me, in the end. But that's OK.

My favorite flight attendant, Alia, stands ready at the boarding stairs. She smiles widely. "Miss Acker! So nice to see you again. How was your trip?"

"How much time do you have, girl?"

She laughs and escorts me onto the small plane. It's just as it was months ago. A fresh vase of flowers on the table, beautiful leather rows of seats. I deflate into a seat by the window.

"Is there anything I can get you before we take off?" Alia asks.

"A water would be great, thanks."

"You got it."

"Actually," I call after her. "Do you have anything stronger?"

Outside the small row of windows, the small crew does their final check as Alia closes the plane door.

This is it.

I can't believe this is how my time here is ending. Of course I knew that it would end eventually, and I didn't really know how exactly. But like this? Fewer friends than when I got here? I didn't expect that.

My phone dings — a calendar alarm that a committee meeting is scheduled to start in 10 minutes. We were supposed to discuss takeaways from last night's event.

I fight back tears imagining George and Olivia reviewing posts and videos of James' reading. Of the terrible things I wrote about him.

God, please let him read the new pages I wrote. Please.

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