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Champagne foams out of a bottle and George and I shout "WOO!" Olivia, who has likely never "woo"ed in her life, obligingly takes a glass.

"A toast," I say. "To a wonderful 3 months."

"Hear! Hear!" George says.

Sarcastically, Olivia holds up her glass.

We are gathered around a makeshift bar in the village plaza. The large courtyard is now decked with string lights, and floral centerpieces sit atop 3 lines of folding tables. The committee's closing party doesn't start for another 30 minutes, but locals are starting to linger, waiting for the buffet to open.

I check my phone.

"He's late," Olivia says.

Smiling, I put my phone in my skirt pocket. I will not let her get to me. But she's right. He is late.

"Didn't you tell Philip when it started?"

I blush. Philip. Of course that's who she's talking about.

That's totally who I am thinking of too.

"Yes, he should be here any minute."

A few minutes later, Philip enters the courtyard. And behind him walks in James.

My heart catches in my throat as James winks at me. He's so handsome.

"Good evening," he says, joining us. "You all look lovely."

Olivia smoothes out her black cocktail dress. "Hello, your highness. Philip, nice to see you again."

Standing at my side, Philip nods at her. "The place has really come together."

"Team effort," George says.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be here to help," James says. He claps Philip on the back. "But I'm sure Philip here did enough for both of us."

"He has been so helpful," Olivia says, smiling at me.

Philip looks at me. "I don't know about that."

"Uh, yeah," I say. "It's been great having you here."

Satisfied, he takes a sip of champagne.

"We should go welcome the guests," George says to Olivia. Looking pressed to have to do anything, Olivia follows him. But not without a last look at James.

Who is watching me.

I wish we could be alone. I know now is not the time, but I've been thinking about our last conversation nearly every waking moment — and sometimes dreaming about it too.

"You've pushed me to be better, to trust more, to open up."

James said I was the one to show him what he's been missing, but all this time, he's the one who's pushed me to want more.

"Do you feel the same?"

At the time, I didn't know how to answer his question. But I'm thinking maybe I do now. I just don't know if I should say it.

"How about some appetizers?" I say to Philip.

He eyes the line. "Maybe we should wait for it to die down a bit. Poor George looks like he can't keep up."

The three of us glance at the buffet, where George is already sweating as he turns on the heating platters. He waves. I'm really going to miss him.

Sighing, I give James a sad smile. I'm sure there will be time to talk after the party.

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