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𝓐fter tossing and turning all night, I finally drag myself out of bed a little after sunrise. If I want to catch the same flight as Philip, I have some packing to do.

It takes me an hour to fold my clothes, even though I didn't bring that much. And somehow it feels like I'm leaving with less.

"I can't wait to get out of here," Philip says, zipping up his carry-on.

I don't say anything, but inside I wonder how that can be true. He's only been here a few days and he already wants to go?

I guess I was ready to leave almost immediately after arriving here too. But that was for a different reason than whatever aspect of this trip has not met Philip's expectations.

As soon as I got here, I decided James was arrogant and self-absorbed. The rudest and most condescending man I had ever met. I never wanted to see him again, back then.

I groan replaying last night's events for the millionth time. James' face when he looked up at me.

Shaking it off, I focus on packing up my desk. James didn't want to talk to me last night. I doubt that time will have changed that. In fact, I bet in the hours since, he's found more reasons to hate me. More reasons to never talk to me again.

Someone knocks on the door. My heart skips a beat, but it turns out to be Ruby. Still, I appreciate her kind smile. I really need a friend right now.

She looks around the room, surprised. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Our flight is at 2," Philip says.

Ruby gives me a questioning look, but I nod. "I see," she says.

"I was going to come find you."

"I'm sorry to see you go. I'll go and make sure we have brunch ready so you're not delayed."

She eyes Philip's back as he fusses with his laptop bag. She lingers, as if she's about to say something more, but decides against it. Does she think I'm making a mistake?

"Thank you," I say, trying to convey in two words how grateful I am, not just for the brunch but for her friendship the last few months.

Ruby hurries away to make everything perfect, as she always does. But unfortunately, this is a situation not even Ruby can fix.

"Have you seen my AirPods?" Philip says.


"I wonder if I left them downstairs yesterday afternoon. I had to listen to real music while the princess was practicing piano," Philip says with a cringe.

I watch him unwind his wired headphones — his backup pair — and coil them up again. He opens each pocket of his bag, peering in to confirm the contents and remove any lint.

This is a good man, despite his flaws. After all, no one's perfect. I have an equal chance of being happy with Philip as I would with most men.


"I should go down and get them," Philip says.

"Get what?"

"My AirPods. Are you OK?"

I blink at him. Am I OK? Uh, let's see.

I'm about to leave, earlier than planned, because I've hurt everyone I have grown to care about. I won't even be able to say a proper goodbye. And #shellofaman is already trending on Twitter.

Philip takes stock of the luggage, not even waiting for my answer. "You're only bringing a purse?"


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