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𝓘 can't stop picturing James's face, the sting of my words. It was only for a second — he had quickly composed himself — but it was the first real emotion he has let me see.

Not to mention that in all my insult hurling, I hadn't paused to realize I was yelling at someone who was royal. Could I get in trouble? Like real trouble?

Should I apologize? Will he even speak to me again?

I shake my head. Why do I care so much about the prince's feelings? He's the one who ruined the night. He should be apologizing to me!

After a night of tossing and turning, I make my way down to breakfast groggy and hungover, even though I haven't had a drink in weeks. This is an embarrassment-based headache, one only fresh-baked pastry and a strong cup of coffee can fix.

I instantly feel better with a vanilla scone and the company of Princess Nora, whose kindness I really don't deserve.

"I'm sure you did really well!"

Groaning, I pour coffee into a delicate-looking china cup. "The press was gunning for your brother."

"I'm sure he loved that," she says with a smirk. "That's how those things usually go. You never know what the press is going to say."

"Well, we're meeting in an hour. I'm sure we'll find out."

We butter our toast in silence. I consider telling her what happened after the panel. She's been so sweet to me, so I don't want to risk upsetting or offending her. But she could help me figure out the best way to handle the situation.

"I yelled at your brother last night." 

Nora blinks at me. "You yelled at James?"

I nod, nervous she is going to scold me and remind me of my place. I shouldn't have said anything, just when we were getting along.

Nora bursts out laughing. "Please tell me everything!"

Relieved, I tell her about him not helping, showing up late, blaming me for how boring it was. "So that's why when I saw him outside, when he acted like it just wasn't a big deal, I kind of snapped."

"Good, he deserves a good thrashing now and then."

"So you don't think it's a big deal?"

"Trust me," she says, "I am very familiar with how grating my brother is. He'll have forgotten all about it today. I only wish I could have been there."

"I don't know. He looked so...sad."

Nora sets her cup down gently. "Interesting."

She doesn't say anything else, so I don't push. I'm just relieved that I haven't permanently damaged relationships with either sibling.

"Can I ask you a question?" Nora asks.

"Of course."

Leaning in, she whispers, "What do you think of Sam?"

I quickly try to process the name. Is it a member of the family? A distant acquaintance I've met during formal dinners? I can only think of the middle-aged mustachioed man who visited last week, but I think his name was Samuel. And based on the flush in Nora's cheeks, I can't imagine she's speaking of him.

"He's one of the servers."

"Of course!" I say, remembering the kind young man I met my first day here. "Sam!"

She puts a finger up to her lip and looks into the hallway. "Isn't he sweet?"

"Very sweet. And cute!" I am so pleased by this new development, I promptly forget about James. Young love is much more exciting. "How long has this been going on?"

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