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Odd Squad: Odd Squad Odd Squad stop right there!

Opal: HELP!

Ohlm: Quiet!

Mrs. O: Ohlm please! Don't take over headquarters!

Ohlm: I think I already have!

Ohlm uses his hypnoses to hypnotise Opal. Opal's eyes drained out and grew heavy to a point she was being delusional.

Agent Otis: How do we get that hypnobeam to turn off?

Opal: Must take over Odd Squad.

Ohlm: Excellent! My plan is finally almost complete!

Opal used a gadget to blast all of them they fell on the hard ground wincing in pain.

Agent Otis: Opal! Please! This is your agent speaking! Fight this!

Ohlm: Guards! Take them to the cellar!

The guards picked the agents by the arm and dragged them to the cellar for no more distractions.

Ohlm: This time no more distractions! It's finally time! *evil cackle.*

Odd Squad After the ends Where stories live. Discover now