Our last day

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Today was our final day here in Vermont. This year Vermont was holding an outdoor Movie Night and this would go for four Saturday Nights only. This was a test run tonight.

Jane and I went downstairs and poured ourselves two small coffees to go. We sipped our coffee and walked to our favorite local ma and pop diner.  We orders biscuits, sausage and gravy,  orange juice for breakfast. Today we went to the other galleries we missed because of time conflicts with our itenirary.  Jane found another artists painting she purchased and had it boxed and dropped off at the inn and placed in our room for us.
We took our last nature walk. While we walked we discussed our future plans.  Jane set me up in some poses. Jane wanted me one totally nude.  "Maura this is js for me only. I promise." "I agreed only if you take it with me" in a tasteful pose and I would surprise her later  in metal. I knew  sculpture I trusted and was discreet. She agreed. We found an area that was secluded and Jane had her camera on her tripod and set with her remote.  She took several to make sure she got the right pose of us.  We hurried up to get dress. It was winter and very cold in Vermont.  Jane printed and/or developed her own pictures.  She
didn't like how others would print ones they liked and kept for themselves.  We headed back to the B&B repacked what we did not have on or use tomorrow morning.

We ordered two large bowls of their stews,  crackers and hot teas for the showing tonight. We purchased two double below zero degree sleeping bag. One to keep us warm and one to place in the ground to keep our feet warm and toasty. Jane went to the general store for carmel popcorn for herself,  butter popcorn for me along with gummy worms and twix and almond bar.

We enjoyed the movie and our food, snacks and drinks. We headed back to our room and took a hot shower.  We wanted to check out early before the next snow storm hit.

We were gone before 8 and made it back to boston after a few stops for restroom breaks,  gas and to eat lunch. We made it back to my home around eight that night.

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