Into The Forests

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When they reached the East Wing stairs, Kilan raised an eyebrow at the two horses standing in the middle of the entrance hall, happy as they like with no one around to stop them wandering off. It was like before when the horses had come in and then walked off by themselves. Did they not care about the red carpet being trampled over by horses? Though there wasn't a stain on it from what he could see.

"Master Beldon shall meet you down here, someone has already called for him," Jeremy said as they made their way down.

Kilan was a few steps from the bottom when something ginger raced through his legs, knocking his feet out from under him as he tried to avoid standing on it.

"Sir!" Jeremy cried in shock, rushing to catch him, and missing.

Kilan slammed into someone arms and they steadied him, holding him up for a moment as he regained his balance, then he looked up and was met once again by those staggering eyes.

"Are you alright?" Beldon asked, heaving him back up onto his feet and letting go.

"Yes, sorry," Kilan said quickly, flushing, straightening his clothing.

Beldon waved it off, looking around before walking behind him and catching something that let out a hiss. "Don't you hiss at me, young lady, you could have broken his neck," Beldon said, turning with a tortoise-shell cat curled up in his arms, watching Kilan with narrowed eyes. "This is who should be apologising. Jemima isn't the friendliest creature we have here, you'd be better off with the other cats."

Kilan looked at the cat and she hissed at him, baring massive fangs despite her small size.

"Jemima," Beldon hissed back before trying to hand her over to Jeremy. Jemima dug her claws into his shirt and almost tore it when he tried to pull her off. "Jemima! I need to go out! Go bother Luka, he'll be working all day, think about it, you can sprawl all over his desk and annoy him."

Jemima unhooked her claws from his shirt, bounced out of his arms and raced off to The West Wing, Kilan staring at her as Beldon smoothed his shirt, frowning at the small holes now in the cloth.

"She... seemed to understand you very well... for a cat."

Beldon glanced up. "Oh she did. The cats around here understand things pretty well, feel free to just speak to them, no one will think you insane here." He walked over to one of the horses just as his valet – Iago – appeared with two heavy cloaks. "We may get a snow shower while we're out today," he said as he threw the cloak on, then took two belts with swords and sheaths attached, buckling them around his hips before pulling himself up onto the horse, gathering up the reins and turning the horse to face Kilan. Odd, he hadn't struck Kilan as someone who would handle a sword... too delicate in feature perhaps?

Kilan looked up at him and was once again struck by the difference between this person and himself. Sunlight was streaming through the windows and catching his golden hair and bouncing off the blue eyes. He sat astride the horse with the same ease Kilan did, but something about him made it feel like Kilan would look like a country bumpkin riding next to him.

"Is all well?" Beldon asked, just as his horse took a step back and moved them out of the sunlight. Kilan blinked as the image shattered and he nodded quickly.

"Fine, sure, sorry," he said, looking around as Iago held up his cloak. Putting it on, Jeremy took the reins of his horse, holding him steady while Kilan climbed on – he hadn't done that for Beldon, did he appear like an incompetent rider in some way?

He took the reins, turning the horse, showing his expert handling, then found they weren't even looking at him as the two servants discussed something with their master and Kilan sighed internally.

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