Following Memory Lane

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The next memories to play were not completely foreign to both the team and the league. 

The team gasped at the familiar memories, left in shock by the forgotten therapy section. They could never have imagined the impact small events in their lives had left on him. However, there was one line that caused an audible shock of horror from the so-called heroes. Get taught or get dead.  Robin and Damian shared a grateful and proud look, barely taking their eyes off their father to glance at one another. However, there was a thought that seemed universal across everyone. Much like the rest of his family, Dick grew up faster than anyone would have liked. What could not be seen as the fear in his eyes or the pain he felt, but they now knew it was there. Hearing those lines again they were able to feel the masked pain as if it was their own. They could feel the worry, and the reminders of similar traumatizing events wash over them as they realized the events were allowing them to feel his emotions to an extent. After the clips ended before anyone could speak another began to play. 

In this clip, it was again after the previous events of Bruce's passing. It began with Dick sitting in the cave looking at a batman suit a feeling of dread, understanding, grief, and passion was felt in the air. A sense of almost reassurance flowed through the room as he suddenly stood up before he began to pull off the suit. The rest of the family except Barbra follows pulling on in their gear, each uniform holding a small Bat symbol with the saying 'Never to be forgotten sown across. All of the suits had also changed in style and were different from the original suits. The old held memories that they wanted to forget. 

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The family of heroes all nodded at each other before they all ran into the night, all on foot

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The family of heroes all nodded at each other before they all ran into the night, all on foot. The screen then began to show them all fighting, only small fights that night ending it by then taking down a drug deal.  It then was followed up by them returning home, Dick putting his brothers and sisters who are more like his children to bed. He then walked down the cave where Barbra began to talk. 

"Batwing and Batwoman haven't been seen in almost a year, and people noticed the changes in costume, they also noticed how Nightwing was missing. We have to cover this up somehow" Barbra said looking up from her phone where she was checking local reports. 

"We tell them, why don't we just tell everyone the truth? Batwing and Batwoman died last year in a bombing and the Joker killed Batman leaving Nightwing to take his place" 

"I would but because Dad died we can't trust the police and there is no way that no one will notice that Bruce also died at the same time and way as Batman. "

"Why don't I tell them Batman died 2 days after Bruce? In Gotham people die so often that it will not raise any suspicions" Dick said letting his mask down to reveal a tired and depressed man.

 He was a lot better than he used to be, years ago. The meds helped and the days became easier but we all have our rough days. He dealt with a lot of death for someone of his age, so his adopted father's death hit him with more experience and he masked it easier but one thing that didn't change was the emotions that come with a loss.  His mental health although rocky was getting better something that everyone was proud of. 

"But how will we tell everyone that he died? And of what?" Barbra asked. She, herself, was stressed. She had to help raise her husband's brothers and sisters as her children all while dealing with the grief of losing both her father and father-in-law who was like her second father. She knew however he had to deal with something worse so she kept it together.   

"I will tell everyone he died during a press conference due to a mugging gone wrong" By now both looked as if they were on the verge of a mental breakdown. 

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