S'more memories playing-New Chapter but Unedited

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The onlookers watched smiles across thier faces as a montoge of memoriies began to play overlapping laughter and giggles filled the heros ears. Soon the memories began to slow as Damian grew older, he was probobly around a year older by the time the montage came to an end. The entire family was gathered in the kitchen, which thankfully now everyone knew how to use. The teenagers all sat around the island and table, having conversations of their own. Damian however was sat on the counter next to Barbra and Dick who both appeared to be both joyful and terified by the expressions spralled acorss thier faces. Damian look Dick dead in the eyes as he said, "Tati, Mom, stop this nonsense, Todd, Cass, Steph, and even Drake will all be exited by this news you wish to share. I for one, do not see the big deal." Both Dick and Barbra smiled at their sons attempt at comforting them, while still keeping up the act he put on due to his weekends with his mother. The audince felt an overwelming sense of joy, glea, and downright pround pass through the air. Even Conner, who was known for his straight face was unable to hold back his smile. The kid had called him Tati. Dick knew very well if Tailia saw this, it would not go over well but here, he would get a bit extra of dessert.

As the remaining members of the family sat down at the table the emotions prior disappeared only to be replaced with the fear and excitement they had felt only moments ago. Dick picked Damian up off the counter carrying him to  his spot at the tabel. Dick pulled the chair out for Barbra, pushing it in as she sat down. Smiling down at the two Dick sat down at the seat in between them.  The food on the table was a mix of authentic Aribic, Romanian, and itilan food, all crafted to perfection. "How was morning and afternoon potrol?" Barbra asked, she and Dick had been busy taking Damian out for the day just the 3 of them and therefore had not talked to the oldest about their potrol.

"What's up? I know both you and Daddy dearest the second far well enough to know you are hiding something so what is it?" Jason asked in a demanding voice.

"I'm pregnant"
"Babs is pregnant"

The reactions continued however one red head stood up, followed by the youngest bat. Wally opened the now unlocked door and walked to the kitchen sitting down on a chair at the island. Robin sat down next to the surprised man.

"You were Dads best freind, Wallece West, you misted out on majority of the hardest times in my fathers life all because you were to far up your own a** that y0u wouldn't help him. I know he forgave you, long before I was even born and that hurts me. Knowing the person who willingly left my father, was forgiven. He was more hurt by you leaving than any death because you left him willingly"

"You are right, I was-"

"I may dislike you west and believe me I know what time travel can do but if you follow this plan to a tee we might just fix everything, I get my Dad back and you get a redemption arc. Now listen closely..."

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