Epilogue Part 1 -UNEDITED

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Now Wally stood back facing a looming machine, one that would help him fix his mistakes. In front of him Robin stood with her mother and family going over the calculations of the plan for the 17th time.

"If you follow it to a-tee nothing should go wrong, you araving there will have little impact on the timeline. Due to the location it impacts the lowest possible amount to people possible, you will be able to make direct contact with Past Barry, running into yourself would be to risky but we need someone with knowledge on time travel, inform him of the incident and the consequences, then all you need to do is either remain in hiding, waiting until future corrects itself preventing you from time traveling or you know... '' Robin trailed off.

Wally nodded, "I understand, I know what I need to do. I messed up big time once, I don't plan on doing it again. He was my best friend and I lost him because of my pride. I refused to take accountability then, it is about time I do." Wally said, shifting his feet, "There is a lot of sh- stuff I regret but nothing can surpass this."

Robin smiled lightly, "I know, good luck". Robin opened her arms inviting him in a hug. He walked over hugging her tightly. "I am going to get your Dad back"

"See you soon, Uncle Wally"

Wally wiped tears that had begun to slither down his face, climbing the short staircase up to the machine. He nodded once again before replying with a final "See you soon"


Just over 20 years ago


Wally stood alone in the watchtower. His foot hit the floor repeatedly at an increasingly fast rate. He needed his uncle to hurry up and arrive, there was no way that he could leave the room without messing up the timeline. Just as he was about to try to find a way to contact his uncle Barry walked into the room.

"Wally? Is that you?"

"Barry, thank god, it felt like forever waiting for you to show up"

"What are you doing here? You are from the future obviously, but you seem to be here for a reason, unless you traveled back accidentally-"

"No, I am here for a reason, listen, in a day there will be a massive threat in Gotham, because of the Joker, the bats, and Gotham are in a lot of danger, a ton of lives will be lost, if you don't everyone will regret it. You need to forgive and move on about the whole lying thing, it is not that big of a deal- '' Wally rambles incoherently.

Barry gently put a hand on Wally's shoulder with a small smile, "Tell me what I need to do"

"Get everyone together and go to Gotham. Make a plan, I brought the footage of the event so you will know what you're facing. Face it together, ensure you get as many people out of the area as possible. Make sure all of the younger heroes stay behind, keep them in the Batcave, only call for them if needed. I don't know what will happen but I do know that they don't need that extra trauma. Make sure I make up with Dick, I might not see it straight away but I need to forgive him. I can't lose that relationship. I want to be the proper uncle to his kids, I want to watch them grow up and I want to have my brother back." Wally repeated the basics of the plan.

Barry nodded "I can do that, I will let them know. Just stay here, if we change history enough, you will have never traveled here, you'll be sent back" Barry said, smiling. He left the room with a quick nod rushing to the center of the JLA meeting room.


Barry hit the button, setting the alarm echoing through the watchtower. Within minutes all of the members of the league and their allies are present or are represented within the room. All except one group of people. Barry sighed, all eyes were on him, his distress, and his pacing had made the fact that he had pushed the button evident. Superman and Wonder Woman walk over to their friend slowly each placing a hand on his shoulder to stop his pacing.

"Barry, tell us, what is wrong" Diana's whispered softly

"What I am going to show you takes place less than 24 hours from now, Wally from the future brought this back. This is brutal but I have some other videos. I want to show you first."

The group muttered to themselves and watched as Barry walked over to the computer inserting a flash drive. Seconds after the flash drive was interested the videos Dick had recorded minutes before his death played, soon followed by videos of the devastation Gotham could be facing in less than 24 hours. The group stood still, stock echoing through the room. "We are going to go to Gotham, we are going to apologize, we are going to come up with a plan, the younger heroes and Dicks kids will remain in the batcave, they are back up, only if we truly need it though. I promised future Wally I would get him, his brother and his brother's kids back. I plan to do just that" Barry said in a monotone voice.

Wally stood in the corner of the room with Artiems, formerly Aqualad now Aquaman, Superboy, and Miss Martian all stood together, tears streaming down each of their faces. Wally was pulled harshly into a hug by Artiemes, who muttered under her breath about them both needing it. Conner followed Artemis' lead, pulling Megan into a tight hug and holding her close as if to protect her from the world around them. Kaludur stood, his boyfriend was not present at the moment, on a mission in Atlantis but he still stood emotion evident on his face, regret and pain. 

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