The news

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Dick Grayson standing in front of a crowd, all eyes on him. He had been crying recently, as he spoke his voice was more horse, even stumbling over words as he spoke. Jason stood beside the stage, for moral support. Due to being close in age Jason sometimes acts as Dick's son, other times as his brother. They messed around like siblings, yet, Dick always has had the ability to parent Jason.  The older always looking out for the younger, and the younger was always ready to do the same. Jason had a feeling in his gut that Dick would need him there. Dick had made it clear to everyone, he did not want anyone else there. However, Jason insisted on coming with him anyway.  At first, Dick had tried to refuse but eventually, he gave in allowing Jason to accompany him. He knew very well that Jason would not give up, especially because Jason knew the effect this could have on Dicks mental health. The others had tried to do the same but Jason was the only one who managed to get away with it. 

"Hello everyone, I- As many when I-I was 8, I was lucky eno- to have Bruce take m-me in" His sobs between words could no longer be hidden. His silent tears that had begun to stream down his face at a more rapid rate, turned into ugly sobs. Jason ran onto the stage holding his brother, the one he had grown to see as a father in his arms. The duo hugged each other as Jason began sobbing along with Dick.

Jason took stood up addressing the crowd of reporters, photographers, and other civilians. His usual well-put-together bad boy look was not in sight. He wore a sweatshirt too large for him, Bruce's, and a pair of jeans, his hair was a mess. The bags under his eyes were nothing compared to his brother's but looked like the skin under his eyes had been painted purple. His tears were messy and his breath came from gasps. If Dick had not complety taken away all drugs and alcohol he would have been hammered but due to Dick and Bruce's help, Jason had been sober and drug free for 6 months. Surprisingly, despite the urges, he had even stopped smoking. Jason could have easily bought more, though he never did. Why? Bruce wouldn't want him to, but more importantly Dick hated to see Jason like that, that would only add to the stress.

Wiping his tears he began to speak "My siblings and I were very lucky to be taken in by Bruce. He was a wonderful father... in his own way. He might not have shown it offen in public but he did love me and siblings more than he let on. He always made sure to keep us safe and anyone who hurt us would be forced to pay. I myself grew up on the streets, him taking me in seemed like a curse at the time, being taken in and trapped in a building with a billnoare and his adopted children were not exaclty on my list of things to do in life. I later learned it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I was able to get a family, I didn't have to steal or search trash for food. I always had everything I needed. Even the kidnapping and being held for ransom was worth the fact that I have a roof over my head, a family to love, who loves me, and enough food. Recently we got word of Bruce's passing, the police reported it was a robbery gone wrong. We are working closely with the police to find the murder. We will let you know if anything happens, we held a private burial last night, anyone who wishes to vist his grave can email Wayne Enterprises at the email link on the website". With that Jason and the now put together, Dick walked off the stage both with tear marks across their face and more waiting to fall. 

Gone with Gotham! Not discontinued just extremely slow updatesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें