thirty-eight: consequences

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"my head is spinning round
oh, i hear them now
yes, the wolves are out"

the wolves by cyrus reynolds & keeley bumford

Bellamy and Avery were standing at the front gate. Night had fallen over Camp Jaha, and the people from the Ark were growing increasingly anxious about the lack of news. Clarke hadn't returned yet.

When she finally came through the gates, it was apparent to both Bellamy and Avery that something was very wrong. The usual confidence in Clarke's gaze was gone. She ushered the gate closed, very obviously putting the metal gate between her and the grounders escorting her.

The pair rushed to her side, accompanied by Finn. As soon as Clarke saw him, she pulled him closer to the station, panic in her eyes.

"You can't be out here." She rushed out, glancing at Avery helplessly. Avery was right. Something was very wrong.

"Clarke, what did the Commander say?" Avery asked.

"Is there a chance for a truce?" Abby Griffin joined the King in questioning her daughter.

"Yes." Clarke said, looking at the ground. Bellamy reached out to grab her arm, but Clarke completely avoided it, bouncing back and forth on her heels anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Finn asked cautiously.

"They want you." She looked up at Finn.  "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn."

Clarke whispered it, but it seemed like the entire camp around them heard.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Raven asked, moving aggressively toward Clarke. Avery and Bellamy both moved toward the women, trying to deescalate what was inevitably about to be a total shitshow.

They wanted Finn. They wanted to kill Finn to complete the truce.

Avery repeated the words in her brain a few times to solidify them.

"It's their offer." Clarke said helplessly. She looked up at Avery whose eyes were wide. What the hell were they supposed to do in this situation?

"That's not an offer." Raven said, trying to shut down any chance of Finn being given up. But it was too late. The camp had already heard, and they hated the delinquents enough to give any of them up.

"It's punishment." Finn said, surprisingly calmly. "For what happened at the village. Blood for blood."

"That's insane." Bellamy chimed in from beside Avery. His tone was steady. He was ready to do anything to protect Finn.

"And if we refuse...?" Abby questioned, looking to Clarke and then to Avery.

"They attack." Clarke said quietly. Avery exhaled sharply, glancing around the camp.

It took about three seconds for the teenagers to realize that they were literally in a kill box. The people from the Ark had completely surrounded them, yelling about giving Finn up. Avery's hand moved to her knife and Bellamy re-situated his gun in his hands.

If it came to a fight, they would not go quietly.

The angry mob came closer to the teenagers, and Bellamy quickly joined several of Abby's guards in putting their bodies in front of Clarke, Avery, and the Chancellor. As one man ran forward, yelling about Finn, Raven moved toward him.

"Back off!" She yelled, pushing him backward with her full bodyweight. Bellamy quickly moved forward, getting in between the two to hold the man back as Clarke pulled Raven back toward her. Avery stepped toward them, determination on her face.

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