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Location: Manburg

Date: November 16th, 2020

Time: During the Manburg vs Pogtopia War


   IT WAS CLOSE TO PITCH BLACK IN THE SMALL CAVE. Only small chunks of a glowing stone dimly lit the rocky walls. Dark yes, silent no, for the sounds of people screaming and fireworks being set off boomed overhead. Signs with various sayings were tacked up on the walls, they seemed to form into a song. In the middle of the cave, in the one spot that the light didn't touch, was a single button. Fashioned from oak wood and messily connected to something unseen. Next to that, was a figure. A man. He was hunched over, hand on the wall. The man had a large brown trench coat and curly brown hair that covered his narrowed brown eyes.(chill with the brown Wilbur damn) Quick heavy breaths came from the man, large beads of sweat dripped down his nose. The mans fingers twitched and slowly inched closer to the button before him.

"What are you doing?"

   The man turned sharply at the voice, his brown locks blocked his vision, but he didn't need to see to know who uttered the words. He brushed his hair aside and got a better look at the figure before him. It was another man, not much older than himself. He had long blond hair that could be seen under his green and white striped sun hat. He wore a dark gray shirt with a pair of worn green overalls. Just behind the man was a grayish mass, they seemed to be covered in feathers. The mass twitched and spread out, revealing itself to be a pair of wings on the mans back. The brunet's gaze was directed back to the blonde's as he held out his hands, they trembled.

"W-Wilbur, what are you doing?"

   The brunet, now known as Wilbur, tore his gaze away from the blonde's eyes, filled with fear and worry. Maybe some guilt. Wilbur chuckled softly and shook his head. His whole body shook, his one hand still lay near that one piece of oak wood. It inched closer, and closer, whatever was connected to that sliver of wood, was about to be set into action. Wilbur stopped laughing to himself and looked up at the man with bloodshot eyes, a crooked smile upon his face.

"There was, there was a saying Phil."

   The blonde, Phil, stiffened, his eyes darting back and forth from Wilbur's hand to his eyes. His crazed and broken eyes. He did this, If- if he had been a better fath- he did this. Phil cursed himself for his sons actions, even if it wasn't his own fault. 

   The hand inched closer, it was now hovering over the button. 

"Uh, by a traitor"

   The silver wings on Phil's back flittered a bit. He had heard this story before, he knew how it ended. The blonde just prayed this wouldn't end the same way. Wilbur's hand fell forwards and grazed the button lightly, but enough to have it press down slightly. It was all in a split second, Phil let out a horrified gasp and reached out to his son, wings outstretched. Wilbur's hand slipped up to his forehead in a salute.

"It was never meant to be"



Hurray the prologue is out! I might be upset with this later so don't be surprised to find changes throughout the next couple days.

Love yall <3


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