•‣°✳*⭒★PART FOUR★⭒*✳°‣•

497 23 7

I am not gonna put the time and date anymore because it is not needed

Slight tw: hospital like places and terribly described medical procedures


Do I shoot him Will, or do I am for the skies?

Pass me the suture scissors

Tommy, I think you should do what your heart tells you to do.

Oh God this is bad

Then let's be the bad guys. Tommy,

Get me the forceps, YES NOW!

I say, if we can't have Manberg, then NO ONE - NO ONE CAN HAVE MANBERG!

I got a piece out, thank God

the thing about this world, Tommy, is that the only universal language is violence

Get me a soft cloth

Wilbur's gone crazy. All he wants is violence and pain and he's had his golden day. All he wants is to take away everyone else's

I won't loose him

All right, listen here! You guys, listen to me! I did not, spend weeks! Planning this revolution, giving you guys gear, for you guys to go in and replace one tyrant with another.







I can't lose him

Why was it still going?

It should have faded by now surely,

That's how dreams worked right?

When you start to wake up the dream starts to fade,

So why was is still going?

Tommy was sure he was awake. He could feel his fingers moving, his eyelids wanting to open, the dull throbbing of his arm.

Still it continued

The murmuring of panicked voices,

The clink of metal against metal,

The steady beep of.... something.

These noises he had never heard before. Tommy didn't think they came from his dream, but where else would they come from? He was on a island damnit.

Then tommy felt it.

Something that freaked him out,

Something that he never expected to experience again,

Something he couldn't believe he didn't feel before,

Tommy felt the weight of a blanket.

He felt the pillow under his head, he felt the mattress beneath him. The bandages on his arms, the new clothes he wore. None of this had been with him when he fell asleep last. The blonde opened his eyes and was immediately met with a harsh light in his face. Agh shit- that's bright. After a couple moments of adjusting to the light Tommy had a chance to look around.







He was not prepared for what surrounded him. From what the blonde could tell, he was laying on a bed in the middle of large room. The room appeared to be made of a mix of spruce and oak. A warm glow from a fireplace lit up the room. Small tables were on the right of the bed, they had medical instruments and rolls of bandages scattered on them. To Tommy's left furniture was pushed against the wall. A sofa, chairs, a coffee table, a lamp, all stuffed together. He assumed to make room for the bed. The blonde noticed a few empty bottles on the floor, the frayed paper labels told him they were strength potions. Who lives here? The boy thought, furrowing his brows when he didn't see anyone lurking in the flickering shadows.

I might loose him

What the shit? Those words made the blonde perk up. He had previously tuned out the words that echoed throughout the wooden cabin, too interested in his surroundings to notice them. Blue eyes scanned the room once more, now looking for the entrance to another room.
There it was. It was just a simple wooden door. Nothing special, but it was Tommy's way to freedom. The boy placed his arms on the bed frame and pushed himself off, falling with a thud when his legs hit the floor. Keeping his hands on the frame he pulled himself up, wobbling on his unsteady legs.

The blonde staggered over to the nearest wall, keeping his hand on it for support as he made his way to the entrance. Then something caught his eye, something moving. Tommy turned sharply towards the figure, gasping as he saw himself.


He looked like shit. Bruises dotted around his body, small amounts of blood seeped through the bandages; He saw his eyes were dull, heavy bags under them. His hair was darker, streaked with dirt and blood. The new clothes he wore were scratch free, it was almost unsettling to see him without the shirt he wore all the time. Tommy didn't even recognize himself.

More noises brought him back to reality. The blonde, or dirty blonde I guess, tore his gaze from the mirror. Continuing to stumble forwards, Tommy came to the door way. Taking a trembling hand he pushed the door forward. It made a small squeak, causing him to wince. The boy stuck his head though the door way, no idea what he would find. He brought his trembling hand up to his mouth, tears threatened to spring up. What the fuck.

In the room, on a bed similar to his, layed a small boy. Blood was splattered on his clothes, on his hair, on the walls.

Worst of all,

Two men loomed over the boy, sticking knives into his skin.


There you have it folks! I worked pretty hard on this one so please remember to vote! (Also comment please, I love reading and responding)

As for the very long wait, all I can say is life is a bitch.

But I still feel bad,

Sorry :>


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