•‣°✳*⭒★PART TWO★⭒*✳°‣•

540 22 2


Location: A random island

Date: November 18 2020

Time: 10:00 AM



So so loud

The ground rumbled

Buildings crumbled

Then it was gone.

The booming noise

The screaming voices

The beautiful buildings

Replacing with ringing

Never ending ringing



   Tubbo awoke, his ears still ringing. He was drenched in sweat. It mixed with the barely dried blood on his skin. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the blinding light and began to take in his surroundings. Water, Dead tree, sand, grass, flowers...


   Tubbo's eyes widened at what was in front of him. What the hell? The boy slowly took his sleeping friends head off his leg and stood on wobbly legs. Tubbo stepped of of the raft onto the sand, making sure it wouldn't float away from where it anchored itself. It was a small island, with a small patch of flowers and a dead tree. Then he saw it. It was only a glimpse, but it was enough. The boy stumbled to where he saw the brief flash of yellow, right behind the tree.

  Tubbo peered behind the peeling bark to see a lump. It appeared to be some sort of growth.

A growth that squirmed.

   Tubbo gave an excited squeal and held out his trembling finger. A few yellow and black insects broke off from the rest and landed, their legs tickling his skin. The insect made a noise, a buzzing noise, It was heard above the ringing.

  Instantly Tubbo was transported to a field, surrounded with flowers and the same buzzing insects. He giggled and ran around, chasing the creatures. A blonde stood nearby, yelling mispronounced curses as the insects angrily poked him with their stingers. The brunet smiled and danced around with his new friends. No one could figure out why Tubbo took such a liking to bees, or why bees took such a liking to Tubbo, but they just got along. The boy had never been stung before and he probably never would be. Just being here, with his friends, was all Tubbo needed.

"Where are we?"

   Tubbo was snatched back into reality at the sound of his friends voice. The bee was snuggled up against his shirt buzzing happily. The ringing came back, causing Tubbo to repeatedly flick and rub his ears. He stared blankly at his blonde friend, not processing what he just asked.

"Tubbo,  where are we?"

   Tubbo squinted and saw his friends mouth moving, but couldn't hear shit because the ringing was drowning most noises out.

"Can you repeat that?"


  Tubbo flinched, now that was a bit too loud. He just shrugged and walked over to his friend.

"I dunno, woke up and we were here, must have drifted here overnight."

   Tommy seemed to accept that answer and sighed, looking out to the endless ocean blue.

"Its not much of a place to stay-"

   Tubbo shook his head. Tommy was right, this small island would do nothing, and there were bees other places as well-

The bees!

   Tubbo grabbed Tommy's arm and yanked him over to the hive. Tommy yelped in pain and tried to pull away. Upon seeing the hive Tommy screamed and stumbled away, wanting to get away from the insects.

"Tommy! They won't hurt you!"


   Tubbo sighed and shook his head, petting a bee with his finger. He decided he liked this one. The brunet would keep it.

"Can I keep this one at least?"


"Its name is Boo"



   Tommy groaned, clearly his friend had become attached. He was happy for the brunet, he had something to care for but still- Bee...

   While Tubbo played with his Boo Tommy sat down with a sigh, watching as the water lapped at his feet. Hold on a second, He was in the middle of the island. Tommy's head snapped up to see that the island had shrunk and the raft was no-where to be found.

s h i t


   He didn't respond.




Oh shit"


  As realization hit the boys it was already too late, the raft was gone, the island was past the sand and up to the grass. They both started freaking out. Neither knew how to swim very well, and even if they could there was no land as far as the eye could see. As Tommy continues to freak out Tubbo began to get himself together, figuring out how they would get out of this predicament. Then it dawned on him, there was flowers. Flowers can't grow underwater, so the island won't be fully submerged. He put his hand to the bridge of his nose and sighed.


  Tommy paused and  his friend.


"Its fine, we are fine, the water will not rise further."

  Tommy attempted to interupt, but Tubbo shut him down with with a sharp glare, very unlike his usual kind gaze.

"We can sleep here tonight, it will be cramped and uncomfortable, but nothing different than that raft. Ok?"

   Tommy nodded in response and quietly say down, too stunned to utter anything else.



I will be going on a semi-hiatus for about two months. March and April are filled with spring break, relitives, and camping trips so barely any activity 😅 sorry guys.

I love you all <3

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