•‣°✳*⭒★PART FIVE★⭒*✳°‣•

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Tw: hospital like places, medical equipment, needles, shots, drugging.(let me know to add more)


THE SCRAWNY BOY STUMBLED FORWARDS, curses rolling off his tongue in waves. One of the men hurried towards the blonde, presumably to strap him down and stab his chest with with small instruments as they did Tubbo. A strong firm hand made its way to Tommy's shoulder. He flailed, trying to make his skinny limbs inflict any pain to his attacker. He found an arm to dig his overgrown fingernails in, hopefully it did some damage.

By the pained noise that came from the man, it did.

He found his voice


The man whined(for a reason Tommy would never know) and put both of his hands on the spitting blondes arms and held him there. There was no way in his weakened state the child could escape from the mans hold.

He instead went limp, determined to make it as hard as possible for the man to hold him. The strange and very wrongun' man grunted and staggered with the sudden weight, grip loosening. Tommy took his chance and summoned all his remaining energy to his legs, kicking the man in his nuts. His attacker doubled over, hands moving from Tommy's arm to his own now aching balls. The blonde ran (more like staggered) over to the other man, still looming over the unconscious Tubbo. Tommy hastily grabbed a sharp object and raised his hand, poised to strike. His arm went down, but not as he planned. It was brought to his sides and held there, despite his squirming. The man from before must have come from behind and grabbed him in some awkward backwards bear hug. The skinny blonde tried to twist to get away, but the little energy he had left was already drained.

His failed victim turned on his heels, eyes glinting a ominous purple hue. A mask covered the bottom half of the mans face. In his gloved hands lay a syringe filled with glowing purple liquid. Tommy stiffened, they were going to kill him. The masked man (who reminded him a bit of dream, for the fact he covered his face) took his wrist. The boy fought, snarling at the man; yet the man held firm. The purple eyed bitch(as Tommy now called him) brought the needle down to the spitting boy's wrist, injecting the substance into his veins. Immediately Tommy's eyelids felt like lead, gently closing shut. His limbs felt like dead weight, brain pounded in his skull. The men's voices got louder, he could tell, but they were muffled, not quite reaching his ears right.

He heard the beeping start again.

He heard the clink of metal.

He heard the thumping of boots on wood.

He heard the relived sigh of someone far away.

The last thing the weakened boy heard before slipping into dreamless sleep was

"You'll understand soon, now sleep."

And he slept


He woke one again to bright lights piercing his eyes. The boy groaned, moving his arm to cover his face. His mind was a bit muggy, the memories from before blending together in a c0nfusing fog. Quiet mumbles and the shifting of bodies brought his attention back to the present. Tommy slowly brought his arms to his sides, pushing himself into a sitting position.

The blonde squinted and looked around the room. Though blurry, it looked to be the same one as he was in originally. He saw two figures getting up and quickly coming towards him. Tommy stiffened, memories from before he passed out flooded his mind. The boy scrambled back as far as he could, hands feeling for anything he could use as a weapon. He failed to find one of course, as he was sitting in a bed, in a random house. A dull version of fear shone in his eyes, along with a few other emotions that he couldn't name. He opened his lips and let out a hoarse whisper.

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