•‣°✳*⭒★PART ONE★⭒*✳°‣•

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Sorry this update took so long, I started writing, took a break, then decided I hated it. Next thing I know I've written it over 5 times.



Location: Manburg

Date: November 16/17, 2020

Time: The night after the war(Midnight)


   A YOUNG BLONDE STOOD. In the ashes, in the rubble, of a once home. Where beautiful buildings once stood, now lay giant craters that seemed to reach into the void below. He hadn't meant for this much destruction, he didn't want it to end this way, he just wanted to go home. His golden locks had turned gray from the ashes, his red and white shirt was torn and matted with the blood of... Someone, but most of all, his blue eyes shone with guilt and regret. In his blistered bloody hands lay a shimmering purple sword he once wielded eagerly, it had ancient carvings on it that seemed to glow. It was also coated in the sticky red substance. His injuries were not tended, a long bleeding gash ran from his shoulder to his elbow, the skin around it was darkened and curled upwards. The pain had subsided since he got it, but it would get worse if not cleaned and bandaged up. 

  To his left was another young boy, brunet this time, with animal like ears and small horns. He was also injured, dusty, broken. His home was gone, and his friend had caused it. No no no, not the blonde, however much the blonde blamed himself it was not his fault, the brunet knew that. It was Wilbur, he pushed the button, he blew up the boys home. But still- both blamed themselves. The brunet broke the silence.


   The blonde, Tommy, turned to look at his friend and sighed.

"What is it Tubbo?"

   The brunet, known as Tubbo, leaned in and squeezed his friend in a tight hug, not even wincing as their injuries rubbed against their clothes. Both boys embraced each other and fell to their knees, scraping them in the process. They were safe, they were together, all past arguments dismissed, any possessions forgotten. Just two best friends, alone together, in the rubble.

"What will we do?"

   As soon as the words were uttered Tommy tensed up. What could they do? They had nowhere to go, their home was gone, Wilbur was dead, Phil was..... missing. After most of the fighting stopped the two boys scaled the blown up walls, finding a messy cave and, and their "brother" with a sword though his heart. The only other things there were a few feathers and some rubble. The boys could guess what had happened. The boys sat in silence, caught up in their own thoughts. Tommy was thinking about his possessions and what to do without them. When they had fallen into the flames Tommy had been distraught, A man with a mask had showed no emotion, but was clearly mad at their destruction, for it was his only advantage against the blonde boy.

  Tubbo's brow furrowed, his ears twitched. What he was thinking was anyone's guess, the boy would often lose himself in his head. Eventually he sucked in a breath and sighed.

"What if we....Left"

   Tommy scrunched up his nose and put on a disgusted scowl.

"You can't be fucking serious"

"I am"

  Tommy stood and glared at the brunet, his eyes like tiny daggers poking him in the back.

"No, no no no. Absolutely fucking not, this is our home. No."

"Our home is gone Tommy, Wilbur exploded it. Its the only logical way, the greater smp won't accept us that's for sure,"

   He was right, the man who was once their family destroyed it and left them forever. Tommy's hands balled up into a fist and his expression went from annoyance to hatred, it burned like fire in his blue eyes. His emotions changed so suddenly it scared Tubbo, how can a person switch views on another so quickly? A thought came to the boy, Would that happen with me? He pushed it out of his mind quickly but it still lingered there, like a bitter taste that won't quite go away.

"Your right Tubbo"

   Tommy growled, still clenching his fists. Tubbo was right, there was nothing left for them here. When he uttered the words Tubbo looked up at him in surprise.

"Lets get out of this shit hole"


Location: The open ocean

Date: November 18, 2020

Time: 11:00 AM


   The sun burned into the boys skin, adding sunburns into their list of un-comforts -along with Tubbo's complaining about his ears ringing-. They had not been traveling for long, but the endless ocean on all sides and the blistering heat made it seem so. The boys had built a raft, it was not very sturdy, barely waterproof, and could hardly fit the two on without sinking. They had built it in a hurry, wanting to get out before anyone questioned what they were doing. It was made of oak wood and fashioned with cave spider silk.-the strongest thing Tubbo could find- Tommy only had enough time to make one oar, so rowing was a painstaking process.

   Only a few supplies were brought. A couple bruised apples and some stale bread, Tubbo's pic and Tommy's axe. They had made the mistake of not bringing water bottles with them, it would prove to be a problem later. That was not their only mistake though, as the slits in their skin had not scabbed over yet and they had not brought any medical supplies.

   The boys sat in silence, just listening to the small waves that lapped against the edges of the raft. Both blonde and brunet were sweating, Tubbo had his eyes closed, trying to fall asleep to avoid having to deal with the heat. Tommy just stared. His large eyes reflecting the oceans surface. He reached out to touch the water and let out a small sigh of relief as the cool substance ran through his cracked fingers. 

   After a few hours of watching some fish swim by and feeding them some bread crumbs-which was NOT a great decision- Tommy eventually fell asleep to the faint sounds of the ocean, his head resting on Tubbo's arm. The raft carried the sleeping two boys farther out to sea, in a direction no-one had gone before.



I am aware it is November, I am aware it says its hot. 

Tell Minecraft to add seasons if you're complaining >:\

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