•‣°✳*⭒★PART SIX★⭒*✳°‣•

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This fic has been cancelled el oh el.

Parts five and six were written a few months after the others, then cancelled all-together. Here is what I was working on for six :']


THE DRINK WAS WARM IN HIS HANDS. Undissolved cocoa particles floated on the surface. The boy could not remember how long it had been since he had something so good. Actually, it had probably been when L'manburg had first win its independence. He could faintly remember niki serving chocolate cake...

/Its best not to think about that now/, the boy thought, taking another sip of his drink. He couldn't help but glance at the door to Tubbo's room. Tommy hadn't seen the boy yet, the men could have lied and he was actually dead. Though Bitchzuma had giving him this delicious drink and had been nice, Tommy still couldn't trust him.

(He learned the consequence of trust long ago)

The boy carefully set the ceramic mug down-empty of the hot chocolate- and made his way to Tubbo's room. Tommy's legs were not as unsteady as before, as the potion his hosts had 'given' him had started to wear off. He reached the thick oak door, wincing as it creaked when he pushed it open. Blue eyes immediately snapped to the brunet laying on the bed, watching as his chest rose and fell. A sigh of relief came from the blonde as he moved closer to the bed.

Tommy stopped at the edge of the bed, hands resting on the edge. The boy tried to avoid looking at his friends wounds. Though they were bandaged, blood still seeped through. He instead looked down at the ground, only to grimace at the spots of blood staining the wood. Tears began to pool at his eyes, dripping down his cheek and off his chin. The blonde quickly wiped his eyes, chanting the words /big men don't cry/ in his head.

"I'm sorry Tubbo... I should have never agreed to leave. I should have said no. I-"

A choked sob came from the boy. How could this happen? He was a big man. Big men don't get emotional. Big men don't cry. /Big men don't let their friends get hurt,/ A voice whispered in his head, taunting him. The blonde's legs began to hurt again, the burn of exhaustion finally getting to him. Another voice, more like Tubbo's popped in his head, sounding over everything else. /Big men don't beat themselves up over shit they didn't cause./ The boy stiffened at the voice. He knew it was not his friend, but he smiled at the thought that it was. Tommy's hands reluctantly left the bed, wallowing would do no good for Tubbo. Wallowing would do no good for himself.

He turned away, albeit slowly, and made his way back to the door. The blonde rested his hand on the handle, pausing for a moment. He then turned back and glanced at his unconscious friend one more time.

"Thanks Tubbo"


It was constricting, this room. Though it was a decent size, the walls still felt like they were slowly closing in. The feeling of claustrophobia bloomed inside the boy's chest. His injured friend in the room over did not help ether. He needed out. Hesitantly, the boy went to the front door, still open just a crack. A cold breeze ruffled his golden locks, calling him outside. Tommy brought his hand to the door, slowing turning the copper knob.

With another look over the shoulder at the /ever closing room lemme out lemme-/ the boy flung open the door and stumbled outside. Tommy took a moment to blink his eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the sunlight. He opened his eyelids and let out a small curse, not expecting what he saw before him.


[Vividly describe the hermitcraft season 7(or is it 6) shopping district lol. Tommy sees a winged guy and thinking it was Phil, ran over. It was actually Grian and then Grian kinda adopts Tommy and Tubbo]

Prolly disapointed everyone with this lmfao

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