One night, two memories. (Eyeless Jack X Reader)

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(y/n) p.o.v

  slowly the clock ticked by. slowly the sound of your parents trudging off to sleep filled your ears. a muffled 'goodnight dear' was heard along with a soft click indicating the lights had been shut off.  slowly you rose from your bed looking at your clock. "dammit it's already 11 he'll be here in an hour" you said to your self quietly followed by a frustrated grunt.

You pushed yourself off your bed. walking over to your computer you grabbed your new an extremely sharp blade. looking at a human anatomy chart to memorize just where to cut.. zoning out for a sec you shake your head. "come on (y/n), if you don't do it now he will an it'll be worse for everyone." You say giving yourself a pep talk.

grabbing your mom's bottle of morphine you walk to your bathroom. You down three of the pills an pull your shirt off. You look in the mirror at your tightly bound down 10 year breasts. You scoff in disgust. You look away an position the blade an cut deep into you side. You began whimpering in pain but smile as a thought crosses you mind.

Eyeless Jack's p.o.v

  I walk quietly down the wore path. I could hear shrill screams of a woman. slendy's victims can be so annoying when your looking for silence. I feel my brow furrow an cheeks raise a bit indicating that I just rolled my non existent eyes.

I came to a stop out side of a two story off white yellow house. I take a deep inhale. 'blood?' I furrow my brow. I walk under the window on the left. I turn around to see a small tree. "Well this isn't gonna be much help" I sigh looking at the tree. my stomach growled. "let's get to it I guess.

I boost myself into to tree. I jump toward the window. I grab the window ceil. I pull myself up a little and slowly open the window. the smell of blood was strong in here. 'but their all alive..' my brow furrows an a frown creases my lips.

I walk over to the bed. I raise my scalpel preparing to harvest my dinner.

(y/n) p.o.v

  I feel the window open. I look over at the jar under my pillow. 'hehe I'm probably about to freak him the efff out' (sorry your 10 now, so no cussing) I feel him stand over me. I can hear him sniffing as if he's trying to figure out why there's a scent of blood in the air.

I slowly roll over to see him staring down at me. I quickly bolt upright forgetting of my cut side. wincing in pain I grab my side. blanket still wrapped around me so he couldn't see. he stumbled back. shocked by my sudden movements. "You need not be scared E.J" I say between pants.

his head tilted to the side. studying me. "how is it a child knows of me?" he asked softly. "um.. stalking?" I say with a small dark chuckle. "I kid, I kid. Your all over the internet" I say. "So web stalking" he said with a chuckle walking toward me. scalpel raised.

my expression turned dark. my (h/c) hair covering my face. "before you do that would you like the gift I have for you?" I ask. a single tear falling from my eye.

E.J p.o.v

  I watched this girl with wonder. a tight bandage held down her chest. 'was she in an accident?' I thought to myself. I raise my scalpel and walk towards he. "before you do that would you like the gift I have for you?" she asked. her hair covering her expression.

"uh..." I say taken aback. 'a gift?' she looked up at me. she turned blanket falling to reveal a 'scar?' down her side. I inched closer curiously. she turned with a small jar in hand. "um.. I'm kinda salty.. I hope you don't mind" she said handing me a jar.  I looked into the jar. a gasp escaping my lips. 'she gave me her kidney..? willingly?...'

I backed up slowly.. "I'm sorry if I frighten you, I just wanted to give you a token of thank you." the girl said. "uh... stay. I'll be back tomorrow night" I say putting the jar in my pocket an disappearing out the window.

(So uh... not the best but I'm gonna try. It's my first so... don't kill me hehe)

One night, two memories.  (Eyeless Jack X TRANSGENDER FEMALE TO MALE Reader)Where stories live. Discover now