WTF?...No! Ch.8

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(y/n) pov

I sit back in Daddy's car laughing. my stomach started growling and my laughter faded. I looked at my bag and pulled out the bagged hearts. "Jacky boy eats kidneys.. can I eat hearts?" I chuckle a bit. slowly I opened the bag and my stomach growled again when the scent hit my nose. I looked up in the rearview mirror swearing I saw someone watching me. "Meh, you're just hungey and tired (y/n)" I mumbled pulling a heart out of the bag and brought it to my lips. I felt a smile twich across my face as I sunk my teeth into the once beating organ. At first blood pooled into my mouth it was a bitter sweet taste and then the heart was a salty sweet taste.

"My god.. this.. is.." I took another bite out of the heart then another. Licking my lips I looked up into the rearview mirror and see my chin and around my mouth was bloody. "hehehehahahhaehehe" I giggled as I took the other heart out of the bag and began to wolf it down.

E.J pov

This guy was telling me he was the girl that gave me's kidney 7 years ago. I shook my head and jumped out the window quietly. I stood there for a second thinking when I heard soft sobbing laughter. 'what the hell?' I thinking peekinginto the window I watched the guy walk out of his bathroom with a white mask and black hoodie on. as he crept down the hallway I snuck in watching quietly as he stood over a woman I would presume is his mother. I watched the boy slam his hand onto the womans mouth and murmur things in her ear I couldn't quite hear but then the smell of sweet blood wafted over to me.

I watched him cut into the chest of the woman carving a hole. I heard a soft snapping sound as he pulled the heart out of her chest. "hehehe my heart... I'll collect all the hearts.. fuck your love...hehe" I heard him chuckle sitting the heart on the night stand by the woman's corpse. He walked over to the man and stood. "oh.. Daddy.. hehe" He chuckled pulling the blanket of. He reached down an tugged the man penis out. I shuddered. the boy walked over to a drawer and pulled out socks.

He suffed the socks into the man's mouth. He murmured somethinf I couldn't hear. the man Shook his head violently. "No matter.." I boy whispered.He started cutting this mans dick off. my hands went to my crotch cupping myself. 'oww.. sucks to be that guy..' I thought watching the boy start stabbing into the man like an insane patient. I watched him cut the man's heart out. "mine, mine. all mine hehe'' The boy chuckled walking over to the woman's side. He dug around in a drawer and pulled out a bag of pills. "Naughty, Naughty mommy.. hehe" The boy said opening the bag and dumping out the pills an placing the hearts in.

He walked over the mans side and dug through that drawer pulling out money, keys and a.. 'Lighter?' I thought running a hand through my hair. I pulled my hood up and stood in the doorway ready to disappear. "hehehe I know exactly what to write." I heard the boy chuckle I watched him write on the wall with blood and then back up looking at it as if it were a master art piece. I ducked into the bathroom as he turned to leave.

I walked into the parents room to see what he wrote. "Kiss me, My Darling. I'll paint the world red to get your heart!" I read the wall looking puzzled. 'did he see me? is he talking about me? what?.' I had so many questions but I needed to talk to slender about this Guy. I shrug turning around to leave. I walked to the boy's room and jumped out the window. I watched to boy climb into a car and drive off.

----le time skip----

I watched the boy dig through his bag. 'he must be hungry' I thought as he pulled out the bagged hearts. 'is he gonna eat those?..' I thought and my brow furrowed. I watched he placed the heart to his lips. He looked happy. He looked in the rearview mirror and smiled at the blood all over his face. He quickly ate the other heart and climbed into the back seat. 'guess he's gonna sleep..' I thought as I turn around. "Guess I better go talk to slender.." I mutter darting off into the woods.

(Hey guys, I'm glad you're reading and you like this but tell me whacha want! comment. I'm going in blind ya know! so tell e whacha want whacha really really want and I'll write whacha want what you really really want. um.. wut? 0-o haha well as always enjoy, RTE OUT :3)

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