Ugh forgotten.. Chapter 2

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(y/n) p.o.v

I walk down the street glancing around. my pace slows as I reach the school. As I reach the door I gasp in pain clutching my side. "What's wrong freak? Eyeless steal your kidney?" Cloey said pushing past me to enter the school.

I roll my eyes. reaching into my backpack a take out two morphine and take them. 'this is just gonna be a fun day...' I enter the school an make my way to class.

-mean while in E.J p.o.v-

I took the jar an placed it on the table by my bed. ' "I'm salty.. I hope you don't mind..  "a token of thank you" ' her words bubbling around in my skull. I clutch my head in my hands trying to grasp what's going on..

I walk down the stairs to slendy's office. I knock. "come in child" the voice thumbs in my mind. slowly I open the door. "Hey uh.. I uh.. I'm confused" I say slowly trying to piece the story together. slendy cocks his head to the side.

"well that is strange child. never have I herd of a victim willingly giving themselves up" slendy said. "I didn't even ask tho she just gave it, already had it done by the time I got there, she said it "was a token of thank you' "

"What did you do?" slendy asked. "I took the jar and said I'd be back tonight." I replied.  "don't go" slendy said. "bu-" slendy cut me off. "she's a ten year old she'll forget about you sooner or later" slendy said. he added "I can hear your thoughts, so help me if you go, we'll have you locked away till you learn to listen." slendy said in a demanding tone.

alright.. that didn't go as planned. I went up stairs back to my room. I lay on my bed looking at the jar. the kidney. 'what did she mean by salty.. how.. how did she know?' I picked the jar up examining the kidney. 'what the... she nibbled on the end?' I shook my head putting the jar down.

I rolled over onto my back staring up at the ceiling. 'well kid that's for the kidney. ya little freak' I slowly drifted off to sleep.

(y/n) p.o.v

"what's wrong? can't take it?" James laughed kicking my side repeatedly. "can't I just go home in peace once.." I muttered. "What was that?!" He kicked my freshly stitched side. I cried out in pain.. rolling onto my stomach clutching my side tears pouring down my face. "just get out of my face fagget!" He yelled.

I got up as fast as I could an ran home. blood starting to soak my shirt. I dashed up stairs. I ripped my shirt off. I grabbed the string an needle. I took a deep breathe an re stitched my side. sliding to the floor gasping in pain. "it'll all be worth it when he comes to see me tonight." I say reassuring myself.

--le time skip to 12:09--

"where is he? he said he'd come back tonight."  I hope he didn't forget. I lay on my bed. waiting.. the God damn waiting. my eyelids begin to grow heavy. slowly I drift off.. no.. he.. forgot me..

I look around, trees everywhere. "where am I?" I say spinning around. more trees.. "I just wanted to let you know.. I didn't forget you" a masked man stepped out from behind a tree. he walked up to me. slowly he raised a scalpel. shoving it deep into your side.

You bolt upright sweat beading across your forehead. "Jack"... I whisper. "You didn't come"...

--le time skip 7 years--

E.J p.o.v

my stomach growls. "yeah I know buddy.. let's go get something"  I jump off my bed and go down stairs. "going hunting guys!" I yell shutting the front door behind myself.

I'm walking down the street I see the off white yellow house.. 'I wonder.'  slowly I walk under the window on the left. I jump off the tree up to the window ceil. I look inside. 'guess they moved..' I say to myself looking at the no longer purple an white room but now black an dark blue. posters of bands now covering the walls a small flat screen t.v on the wall with all kinds of games an systems.

One night, two memories.  (Eyeless Jack X TRANSGENDER FEMALE TO MALE Reader)Where stories live. Discover now