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It was a cold, windy night; like the sky was pitch black with only a few lights surrounding the street. I could still remember the sound of the hound dogs barking. I could still remember the voice of my mother panicking as she ran swiftly to her destination. I could still remember the look on her face when she put me down, and had tears pouring down her rosy cheeks. I could still remember the last words she told me, before she faded into the shadows; while I was taken inside by a witch-like woman.

Suddenly, I saw things smaller, yet brighter; as I moved away from it slowly. I started to hear a voice, and awakened to reality. I opened my eyes, and saw my "so called" brother shaking me menacingly. I'd compare him to the man of steel, but only his weakness isn't kryptonite.

I was a deep sleeper when it came to trying to be wide awake. You'd have to push me around to get me  up.

"Wake up already; you've got to get ready for the last day of school, and I don't want to get a tardy because of you again," he said miserably.

I got up, and started to get ready quickly; or else I would've gotten punished as always.

My "so called" family never had good quality time with me. They would look at me with the faces that demonstrated extreme loathe. I just don't get why they kept me if they acted that way. Probably because I was going to excel at being their housekeeper or maid.

"Hurry up already; you're slower than molasses," he shouted. "Coming! I'll be down in a jiffy," I shouted back. I ran as fast as my legs could go to catch up with him.

I was just so blithe that today was the last day of school before graduation.

Luckily, I caught the bus on time. When I got on, it was gonna be a long ride; with kids telling me I'm forbade to sit beside them, making silly excuses, and trying to trip me over. Finally, I found a seat; saved for me by my friend, Liam.

Let's see; his eyes were as blue as ice, his hair was as brunette as hot wood, his tattoo was very mysterious cause' many people don't get why he got it, and his personality was like any guy I would date. He was the guy that all the girls wanted to be with; and all the guys wanted to be so similar to. He's pretty much a mega star to our prison-like high school.

I've had a crush on him since 3rd grade, when he and I met; and our friendship grew more close, and soon it became inseparable. It's a shame that he's taken by the queen bee diva of Woodland Academy.

On my way to class came the queen bee.

Such a perfect girl; perfect blue-colored eyes, perfect rose lip-glossed lips, perfect name sort of passed down from her ancestors, perfect boyfriend who loved her so deep, perfect everything. That's what she believes possessively.

That girl was none other than Trish Roca; the girl of our nightmares. All, but Liam's. Why? Cause' he's her sweetheart boyfriend.

She was supposedly many peoples' fake friends. Everyone loved her; but at the same time, they secretly hated her. They couldn't say that to her face cause' of Liam. He would've beat the snickers out of them.

"Hey Kay-Kay! Looks like I won't be seeing you anymore; I really enjoyed hanging out with you in school for the last 4 years," she lied.

"You mean by hanging out "calling me names, shoving me 'accidentally,' spreading rumors about me, and making me the third-wheel to Liam?" I rectified.

"Oh don't think so negatively. Think the positive moments Kay-Kay." "Yeah! Right," I agreed sarcastically.

The sound of footsteps were right behind me, and the steps were actually Liam's.

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