Once Bitten; Twice Shy

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"You must be Kailey; such a pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face," the man said to me. "How do you know my name?" I asked shockingly. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." I didn't like this at all.

"I did a terrible first impression back at your school, so I decided to redo it by coming here," he explained. "Are you some kind of kidnapper or a serial killer?" I asked. "Let's see, I'm both," he said laughing deviously.

I felt frozen cause' a crazy man was inside my house. "What do you want from me?" "Like I said before; that's for me to know, and for you to find out," he informed. Each time he stepped forward, I stepped back.

"Oh, I almost forgot," he realized. He went back to where my "so called" mother was tied at painfully; only to dispose of her.

Watching it was so treacherous, that I ran out of the house immediately. "Good thing I took Track & Field, for a few years;" I thought to myself. I knew he was catching up to me; so I didn't stop nor look back.

"You can run, but you can't hide."

I ran as fast the wind, and had to hide somewhere. The only option was the woods, in which was the worst place to be going to around midnight. Sadly, I had no choice; so I went into the woods.

I remember that someone told me that I have to face my fears; well this is one of them. I never thought it had to be right at this very moment.

It felt like an hour walking around, in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't see perfectly, since I lost my glasses while running away. Luckily, I had my contacts with me; always having a backup. I quickly wore them to see clearly.

I heard a twig snap, which frightened me to bits; cause' I jumped. I was looking around me to see what I was surrounded by. My results seemed to be nothing, but extremely tall trees.

I heard it again, in which a loud shot nearly stroked at me; but it missed.

I started running faster than the eyes could see. I told myself to never look back, cause' I already knew what was behind me.

I was right in front of a river, so I went across from it. I kept running non-stop, till' I saw a dead-end.

I could hear the footsteps coming closer; then he grabbed me. Turning me around, I saw the man's face; and I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. It must've been pretty hard cause' he shouted "You little bitch! I'll get you for this."

Since the only way to get away was to get to the top, I rocked climbed. Looked like I had a great head-start; cause' about the time I took a few steps, after rock-climbing, I heard the man climbing as well.

I continued running to wherever seemed safe and sound.

Finally, I found a long line right ahead of me. It looked like a road to me, so I made it there. A convertible was approaching me, when I made it, and I practically cried to the driver.

"Whoa miss! What are you doing in the middle of the road, it's not safe?" the driver asked. "Sir, I need a ride. There's a man trying to catch me; he killed my mother, ran after me, and I'm just lost. Please sir!" I cried; sobbing.

"Alright! Hop in!" he told me.

I got inside the car, and he tried his best to calm me down. “It’s going to okay miss! I’ll just drive, and you can call 911.” He began driving as I dialed the 3 digits.

Suddenly, I heard another gun shot. First it went for the driver; then one of the tires. I've never felt more scared in my life.

The car was spinning; then flipping multiple times. It felt like the whole world was spinning. I ended up upside down; feeling a little injured on my right calf or the ankle.

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