An Uphill Task

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I'd never thought I would've had to say farewell to America for a while. What's worse is that I've got to do the mission with Liam. Could it get any worse?

"We're almost there Kailey," Liam excitedly told me. "Joy!" I replied sarcastically. "We're about to land on the roof," a speaker announced.

The landing was quite a scare cause' it made a little bump. Getting my butt off the seat, moving to the exit, I saw a figure; straight ahead of me and Liam. "Greetings Agent Kail," the woman's British accent voice said.

"Umm-Hello!" "Kailey; this is..." "Don't need to introduce for me Agent Will," she interrupted, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Call me Yolanda!" "Okay!"

"Now, Agent Will, could you please give Agent Kail the tour to B.S.S. Headquarters before we discuss about the mission?" she ordered politely.

"Yes Yolanda; right away. Come on Kailey!" I started to follow Liam to the entrance on the roof as I looked back at Yolanda.

Yolanda's POV

Awaiting for them both to leave, I dialed the number I was supposed to call. After a few rings, I heard a strong, fierce voice.

"Yolanda?" he asked. "Yes! She's here; right now, she's inside the place to look around in case she's lost." "That's fine! Anyway, you know what to do." "Yes sir!"

I ended the call to walk inside the headquarter.

I was heading toward my updated office; to get the task Kailey and Liam had to accomplish. Hopefully, they won't fail.

Kailey's POV

He was just about done showing me every single room in the headquarter; up until I locked eyes with a familiar pair of blue eyes. It couldn't be.

"Well, looks like I've fallen into an alternate universe. No wait! An alternate alternate universe." She was walking to us; in which was a bad idea.

"Trish?!" Liam cried frightfully. "Well, hello to you too Willy."

"What are you doing in this headquarter?" he asked uncertain with the whole Trish-chosen-to-be-in-this-headquarter kind of thing. "I work here now," she cheered happily, "And the 3 of us are reunited; just wonderful." She went to make a group hug.

"Actually," I corrected, moving away from her and Liam, "Just because we're all here doesn't mean everything will go back to the way it used to be back then."

"What are you talking about Kay-Kay?" Trish teased. "Stop calling me that! And I heard everything you and Liam said about me; just unforgivable."

"How many times do you want me to say 'I'm sorry'?" Liam groaned. "Never cause' your sorry won't solve anything."

"Well, I just wanna say I'm sorry too for the things I said," Trish interrupted. "Whatever, you're forgiven-I guess."

"WHAT?!" Liam shouted, "You forgave this ninny?!" Pointing at Trish, like a monkey inside a closet, he looked pissed. "Why forgive her?"

"Because she's just your ex; and who could blame her, you must've hurt her feelings as much as mine." "She's right about that Willy!"

"I can't believe this; this girl..."

"Agents; Kail and Will!" a voice shouted; interrupting what he wanted to say, "Follow me to a private room." So, the two of us did; and got to talk about our first task of the mission.

There was supposed to be a man going inside a SEPTA train at the subway; just a few blocks from here.

Right at the subway, I hid in my disguise that Yolanda told me to wear; since I was terrible at fashion. Liam was at the other side waiting.

Finally, the man had the courage to get on the train; just in time for Liam to catch up to him on the train.

I was about to get on as well, but something pulled me back; or should I say someone. I couldn't tell who was behind me cause' everything went to a blackout.

Liam's POV

Catching up to him, I managed to sneak up closely to attack. He was tackled down, and pinned by me.

"Mission Accomplished!" I thought. "Now mister, you're coming with me." I hand-cuffed him to take him with me.

"No wait! I was paid to do this," the man cried. "By who?" "I can't say it, I'll get fired from my job."

"Well, you're already in a lose-lose situation; so there's no point in not telling me. Now I'm going to ask you this once: Who paid you?" I asked. "Yolanda!"

"Yolanda? You're lying!" "No! I swear; she paid me to do this so that you'd be distracted as some girl was supposed to be taken," he explained.

Oh no!

Kailey's POV

Blinking my eyes a few times to clear my vision, I spotted a coffee in front of me; and I saw a man too, a really muscular looking man.

"Oh good; you're awake now."

"Who the heck are you? And why am I here?" "No concern in knowing who I am, but I wanted to talk to you about significant things."

"You've got to be kidding me. You brought me here to just sit and talk?" "Exactly!"

My throat was a little sore; so I drank my coffee, and realized my necklace was missing.

"What the...where's the necklace?" I was freaking out. Roger told me once that the necklace was to always be worn for protection.

"Oh! You mean this?" He held my necklace, so I tried snatching it out of his hand. "However, this doesn't actually belong to you." What was he talking about?

"This belonged to your mother; Annabelle," he informed. "You knew my mother?!" "Of course! She was-a friend. The 3rd prettiest girl I've met. However, she's not as pretty as you."

"So, anyway, I wanted to tell you about you." "Umm...I know who I am," I chuckled. "You do?" "I'm Kailey Wales; why?" "I meant who you've become since 2 years ago that night," he corrected.

I stood up; shocked with his sentence. "How do you know about that night?" My words were shaking in fear. "I was there; I saved you that night when you were about to die."

Was it possible for my heart to skip a beat? I felt like he was some kind of killer; like the one that nearly killed me 2 years ago.

"The truth is- I'm a vampire; and so are you," he confessed.

Author's Note: Hey guys!!! I'm hoping you guys like the story so far cause' I'm really trying to make it interesting for you guys to enjoy. I'm wishing this chapter will be interesting enough for you guys.

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