Spare Me

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Author's Note: This chapter includes flashback. Enjoy!

The Guy's POV

Kailey finally met her long-lost father. For some reason, he certainly didn't act like a father; cause' he didn't go for a hug nor show a happy face, but he showed his serious neutral face.

Henrik looked at me, and mind-read that we needed to talk.

I told Kailey that I needed to get some things with Henrik before she begins her next lesson. She nodded, and I followed Henrik to a private room.

Locking the door, then looking at me, he was giving me the same expression he showed to Kailey.

"Did you tell her anything about yourself?" he asked seriously. "No!" I replied. Henrik eyed me for a few seconds until he nodded as believing me. He was making sure I did a good job compelling Kailey to forget; about trying to remember Henrik, Annabelle, and me.

I could remember every detail of what happened. It still haunted me; the thing I regretted to do.

*Flashback (2 years ago)*

Where was my favorite book? I spotted the book, and went straight to the front desk to borrow it for the day. She took my I.D. library card to slide it' for it to show that I'm reading this beloved book.

However, it's not as beloved as her; Kailene.

"Psst," I heard in my mind. That was my call; so I went to the back corner, where nobody could see me.

I knew he was there, so I looked behind to see him; Henrik.

"Are you ready?" he asked to make sure. "As soon as I have a conversation with her; and when lunch is over, I'll do it." "Very well," Henrik approved as he nodded.

I thanked him as I ran out of the library for lunch. I went to the cafeteria, only to look around for Kailey. Just my luck, I spotted her going to a table; but it seemed full.

"Oh! Um, sorry Kailey; I was gonna save a seat for you, but..." "It's okay! I'll find a table to sit at, no worries." I knew she was lying, but yet he just let her do that.

I wanted to give him a piece of my mind; maybe he doesn't have a mind at all. That little son of a gun.

I saw her look around for a table completely vain. She found one, so she went to sit down and eat.

This was it; I told myself with confidence. I walked to the table she was sitting at with my salad.

"Excuse me miss," I couldn't say her name, even though I wanted to, cause' it would've been awkward if someone knew your name and you don't know who he/she is, "mind if I sit here?"

She gazed upon me; oh her eyes totally knocked me out on the inside. It was like I saw diamonds in the sky.

"Sure!" Her voice was like music to my ears; I'd never thought I would hear her voice again.

I sat down, and began having a taste of my salad with Italian dressing.

"Don't mean to be nosy or anything, but why are you sitting alone?" "Well, it's nothing really." I wanted to talk to her so bad, but anyway, I knew why she was sitting here. I just had to make it seem like I didn't know at all.

Talk about something; I thought. Think-think...

"So, today's the last day of school; are you excited for graduation tomorrow?" Really; I shouted to myself. That's what you could think of. I mentally face palmed myself. "Totally," she lied.

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