ch. 3

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Blue went out of the kitchen, seeing his brother still on the couch. Shaking him in an attempt to wake him up. ''Wake up Paps! We have things to do today!'' Blue told his brother in his usual cherry voice. 

After allot of mumbling, yelling and bribery, Stretch had made it of the couch and into the kitchen. ''Today we have to go and help Alphys and undyne to move their furniture into their new house, and then we have to get groceries. Also, in two days there's another Council meeting.''

Earning a slight hum from his brother, Blue finished his toast and went to put on his shoes. Shoes on, he went out and down the road to go to Alphys and Undynes new house in hope of helping them.

Meanwhile, Stretch was starting to properly wake up and think back to the past ten minutes to register what happened. All Stretch got from the previous conversation was that there's a council meeting in two days.

The swap skeleton brothers aren't the only ones starting their day, as the other two members of the star sanses were also waking at this point. Ink waking in his room, taking a look at the utter mess he would call his room.

Getting up from bed, Ink took his scarf of his desk that was covered in sketches. After a quick look at what he wrote down the day before, he went downstairs and out the house to look at all the AUs filling the doodle sphere.

Scouring the floating pages, Ink found one that was slightly glitchy. If an AU looked like it was glitching it usually meant Error was or is there. It was and Underfell copy, copy number 372.

Ink never knew why Error went to certain AUs so often but never destroyed them, it was usually Underfell or Outertale. But then again, Ink almost knows nothing about his opposite. Quickly going into the copy, he saw nothing different.

Going into the skeleton brothers house nothing was different. seeing the kitchen, the fridge was open. In the living room there was the normal things that where in most aus and a terrified looking fell sans.

wait, a terrified fell sans? ''fell? what happened?'' ink asked the fell copy. ''The (D)ucking destroyer was just here. I could've (d)ucking been deleted!'' ''So Error really was here..'' Ink mumbled to himself as he tried to find where Fresh was hiding. 

After a bit of trying to figure out what Error did Ink finally left to continue looking through AU's, seeing Dream in the Doodle sphere. There was Dream, but no Blue. ''Hey Dream, wheres Blue?'' Ink asked the guardian. ''Oh, hes helping out in his AU so hes going to be late.''

satisfied with the answer, Ink scribled it on his scarf as they stared looking through all the AU's in hope of finding something of interest. The two star sanses searched the different worlds until they came across a glitching copy of echotale.


503 words, new record on chapter length. and for once i don't finish it in the middle of the night for me! also, i would like to say that i want to make ink act a bit more like cannon ink. with the writing things down to not forget it or being more absent minded on serious matters instead of most FGoD inks. Feel free to give constructive criticism. Anyways, i hope you liked the chapter and ill (hopefully) see you again. Take care!

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