5. A Boy With Mask

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Jake and Clay are munching meals in Cafetaria. Jake keeps eating sweet desserts like a lousy girl in stress eating mode.

Clay feels sick just watching him eat those sweet stuffs.

"Baby, open your mouth

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Baby, open your mouth. Taste this strawberry. Sweet and sour. Just like us."

Clay rolls his eyes. He is convinced his bestie got possessed. He better find a good priest to exorcize the vengeance ghost.

He finishes his meal and leaves like a man chased by a mad dog. Jake decides not to follow him like a tail.

Sure. He wants to get laid. Not that urgent yet.

Jake is walking back after finishing his mountain of desserts. He touches his flat belly. Better do some exercises if he wanna keep fit. Need to burn off those extra calories.

Can't helped it. Desserts and him. He is like a moth drawn to fire.

Jake decides to walk around campus ground to burn calories.

In backyard, few bullies are hitting a boy.

"Hey! Pick out someone your own size!"

Jake picks up a large branch from the ground and strikes a bully. He got few punches and kicks. Manages to chase them away in the end.

"Freak! Get out of our school!" yells a bully before fleeing.

Jake could see the boy's face after he got closer to him. Half of his face has been covered with dark cracks. It's a pity. His other half shows a cute face.

The boy asks nervously, "You aren't afraid of me?"



JK replies honestly, "Have seen worst folks than you."

The long war in Saturn has resulted many disabled people.

Maybe because his honest reply. The boy smiles widely. He bends his body and picks up a wooden mask from the ground. He wears back the mask.

Those bullies tear it off from him earlier. Wanting to make everyone sees his ugly monster face.

It's such a pity. He is the cutest boy I ever seen. To have his face ruined like that. If only I could find a cure for him.

JK is a worst facecon. The cure might be possible in his future world. Not in this ancient era.

The boy got clingy to his savior. He follows him around the campus.

JK doesn't mind for the cute little bun. He only wishes he could cure his face. So he doesn't need that plain wooden mask.

"Kid, listen. It's impossible to make everyone like you. Even a Saint has enemies. It's only possible to make everyone angry. It's more fun too."

The masked boy is staring him without saying anything at all. Probably shocked silly.

JK's advice is definitely not ordinary one.

The boy asks,"If you're a king, what would you do?"

Jake chuckles.

Kids always have big dreams. Become a King or the strongest hero. Luckily I never have such empty dream.

The future world is so bleak. No kid has the ability to dream anymore. Staying alive is already a huge problem.

Jake comments,"Don't think too much what history books would write about you. The winner rewrite history. You want to leave good name? Be a powerful King. Historians would write under your guidances."

The old butler is following behind them. He facepalms himself. He better separate them first. This shady fellow is bad influence for his master.

He apologizes,"Sorry, Young Master. Let me kick him out of here. We shall find a new..."

"No need. I like him. Let him stay."

"Young Master?"

"He is my friend, Ruben."

"Yes, Young Master."

Jake grins.

A kid needs to be stubborn. Not easily bend to others. Especially kids with special situations like him. If he's too weak, he would be bullied forever.

The butler shakes his head. This fellow would definitely educate the young innocent prince into a crooked one.

The young prince asks, "Other suggestions?"

"The strong shall live and rule above others. Practice hard and become the strongest one. Act weaker than ant in front of your enemies to protect your life."

"A simple and practical philosophy. Better than my old tutor told me."

Jake is a bit weak to beautiful boys. He is a true facecon. Although half of the boy's face is ruined. The other half shows a handsome and almost girly face.

The prince asks, "What's your name?"

"Jake Kincaid. You?"

"Rudolf Klein."

The school bell rings. Lunchtime has ended. Jake rubs the boy's head before he leaves the spot.

He says, "Gotta go. See you!"

The butler is furious.

How dare he touch the Crown Prince's head?

Jake leaves the spot without knowing he has met his Doom. The legendary Crown Prince. The one who made him a toyboy in history book.

"Jake Kincaid. I'll remember him. Have you taken care those brats?"

"Yes, Young Master. The guards have taken them away."

"Good. Make sure no one could find their dead bodies."

"Yes, Young Master."

Those folks who dared to slander him. No one live long enough to breath the second day.

The Crown Prince might look like a harmless twelve years old boy. He is actually seventeen years old.

A curse was laid on him when he was small. Destroyed half of his face and body. No wizard has been able to reverse the curse.

Those noble brats bullied him thinking he is a weakling.

Well, look who's laughing now?

The prince and his men have left the campus ground.

Few assassins tried to claim his life earlier. His guards were busy dealing with them. The Prince escaped to backyard only to meet Campus bullies.


Jake arrives just in time for the next class.

Clay waves his hand. He has reserved a seat for him. Jake hugs him, stealing tofu again.

He smirks when he praises, "Thanks, Baby."

Clay flustered while trying to push him away. His bestie is still possessed. He better finds a priest soon.

The classmates are gossiping about them. Clay looks ashamed. He feels everyone is staring them.

Jake practically ignores them. He never cares for gossips about him.

A mentor has arrived and the students stop staring them. Clay glances at his best friend.

Jake is busy studying. He doesn't seem to notice Clay at all. It's like two people in one package. A cheap playboy and a teacher's pet.

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Meet the Crown Prince.

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