9. Clay's Dillema

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This chapter focuses on Clay.


Back in their bedroom in the Inn...
Clay rubs his chin. He has no clue what happened. One minute he is dying. The next one, he's getting laid. With his bestie. The one he has known forever.

He facepalms.

Jake has just woke up. Clay offers him a glass of warm water. Jake drinks it.

Clay asks, "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it..."


"Clay... I'm tired, okay?"

Jake's voice sounds weird as if he got sore throat.

Suddenly Clay got a flashback of what happened in the dungeon.

Jake's reddened cheeks. His teary eyes. His voice becomes hoarse because he kept calling Clay again and again.

Clay gulps, unable to look at his friend again. He used to think he would finish school. Find a good woman and get married.

Now he's doubting himself. If he's really straight, he enjoyed their union a bit too much.

Jake asks, "Where's the others?"

"I told them to report to the Guild."

"Idiot! What if they runaway with the prize money?"

"I trust them."

Jake sighs.

He mocks, "You trusted others too easily. People nowadays would backstab you when they got a chance."

"I trust you," adds Clay.

"Idiot. Never trust me. I'm not that reliable. Who know when I will betray you."

"You won't. I believe in you."

"You are a fool. Now, scram. I need my beauty sleep."

Clay goes downstairs to order some foods. He adds many sweet desserts like macaroons and others.

When he got back, the room is empty. No sign of Jake Kincaid. His friend doesn't want to explain anything. He has escaped.

Clay sighs.

He acted like a kid. I wondered who had hurted him. Why he won't believe in others anymore?

All of these desserts on the tray. Clay feels toothache just by looking at them. He stores away the desserts into his storage ring. He would give them to Jake after school starts.

A knock on the door so Clay opens it. Denzel and his boyfriend have returned from the Guild.

Denzel puts a card on table.

He explains, "There are 5000 crystal coins in there. From Prize money and all the loots sold to the Guild."

Clay presses the card to his smartwatch a.k.a. Phone. He enters half of the money in the card. He returns the card to Denzel.

Denzel checks the card through his phone. He looks shocked.

He asks,"You left half of the money?"

Clay comments, "Keep it. You two earned it."

Denzel is going to refuse so Chad immediately says, "Thank you. We really need the money. Call us anytime if you need hunters."

Denzel looks at Chad and his boyfriend smiles to him. No need to keep your pride. It can't be eaten.

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