17. Married?

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Jake wipes out his sweaty forehead with his sleeve. Rudolf and his team are exploring this jungle. He has no choice but to tag along. If Rudolf died, say goodbye to millions of coins.

The rumor states there is a miracle herb in here. Powerful enough to cure any disease.

Rudolf spent a fortune to grab an old map of the jungle. This place is located in borderline between Green Dragon and Red Phoenix Kingdoms.

Drones are sent to the whole jungle. Rudolf checks the videos taken from them.

Jake grumbles while slapping his arm. Vicious mosquitoes are feasting on his blood.

Hey, my blood is priceless! You gotta pay for it! Thieves!

A sturdy looking warrior is glancing at him. Wondering why a wussy would join their team.

He asks, "Young Master, this fellow... Should he really be here?"

"Are you questioning my decision, Edgar?"

Edgar Bleak immediately says, "No, Sir."

Continuous howlings are heard before wolves show up in front of them.

Jake draws his blade. Edgar is holding a large battle axe. Ruben, the butler is holding a shotgun. The guards have drawn their weapons. Prepare for the fight.

Ruben is shooting the wolves with great accuracy. Preventing any beast to harm his master. Edgar leads the guards and hacks the beast ahead of them.

A wolf manages to pass Jake and aims for Rudolf.

A dazzling light is shot. The headless wolf crashes the ground. A portable laser gun is in Rudolf's hand. It's attached to his wrist. It's using fingerprint configuration. Can't steal it from him.

Jake whistles. That kind of gun could shoot down a small battleship. It's powerful despite it's compact size. Only super rich folks could afford it.

I'm right to hold this golden thigh. This kid is super rich. Must leave with millions of coins in my pocket.

A giant wolf has just shown up. Must be the pack leader. It bites down some guards and rushes ahead toward them.

Jake avoids his fangs by leaping aside. He got scratched on his leg. Blood is seeping out from his wound. He doesn't care about it. His body has superb healing abilities.

Sometimes a wound would get healed before he manages to apply band-aid.

A gust of wind blows. Taking the bloodstench smell away, further into the jungle.

Unknown to them, a beast sniffs the air. Sweet scent is mixed with blood from lowly humans. He rushes to the source in rapid speed.

Edgar transforms into a Rhinoceros and stops the Alpha wolf on it's track. The thick skin is too hard to gnaw. Perfect tank to protect others.

Ruben takes aim but doesn't dare to shoot during the fight. He could accidentally hit Edgar.

A blast and the wolf collapses on the ground with a large wound. It howls and the whole pack retreats at once. The Alpha wolf glares at Rudolf before fleeing.

Rudolf has shot despite there is a big possibility in harming his subordinate.

He orders, "Treat the wounded and leave this place."

Some guards are killed. Edgar shakes his head and touches his phone. The corpses have gathered in one spot. Teleported away.

Many of the injured guards have been treated. They leave the spot.

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