Chapter 2

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Anakin paced around the school's courtyard, searching for someone he knew. He turned to see his best friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, strolling towards him as he chatted with Satine Kryze.

 Obi-Wan was dressed in a sweater and jeans. It really mimicked his personality, Anakin decided. Obi-Wan was definitely the smartest of the group and normally aced his tests easily. He was the top of every class, and that wasn't because he was usually the teacher's favorite student. He was sarcastic and sassy at every possible moment, much to Anakin's constant annoyance. 

Satine was wearing a pastel pink top with hints of green around the collar and wrists, as well as dark blue leggings and simple shoes. Satine was one of the more popular girls at the high school and shared her best friend's dream of becoming a politician when she was older. 

Padmé Amidala, Satine's best friend, was trailing behind them, her pale backpack slung over one of her shoulders casually. Padme wore a long-sleeve dark pink shirt that she wore often enough, because some of her outfits were way too elaborate to wear to school. However, that usually meant she always had the best outfit for Halloween.

"Ani!" Padme called, waving. Her long dark brown hair was divided into five parts, and expensive silver pieces held them in place, two on each section. Her parents were wealthy, and she had been kind enough not to be a total snob and even decided to get Anakin Artoo and Threepio, one for Christmas and the other for his birthday.

"Satine, Sassy-Wan, Angel," Anakin said with a straight face, embracing his girlfriend for a moment. Obi-Wan simply shook his head and smacked his forehead with an open palm. 

"Did you get it out of Ahsoka yet? Is she dating someone?" Padmé asked, reaching in the back pocket of her beige pants for her wallet. 

"Nope," Anakin said as he bit his lip in thought, thinking of all the reasons why Ahsoka was definitely dating someone. "But she has to be. She was really stressed this morning and she is never stressed- not even before her end of the years tests and those seriously freak me out."

"Maybe let your little sister have some secrets for a change," Obi-Wan said. "Also, you are basically scared of every single big quiz." They glanced over at her. She was talking with Rex, one arm resting on the large tree she and her friends always sat by. 

Anakin shook his head. "I believe that as her older brother, I should know what is going in my sister's life. I told her about my relationship with Padmé!"

"But you were obvious and she already knew," Satine replied with a superior shake of her head. Her curved blue and white stone curved earrings jingled softly in the light breeze. 

"Still, I think she's dating Rex," Anakin said firmly. "And so do Fives and Hardcase."

"From experience, never trust those three together," Padmé advised to the others. 

"Oh, believe me, we know," Obi-Wan said seriously. "I think we learn that every day."

Anakin just laughed. The school bell rang in an annoying flat-toned alarm and everyone dashed in quickly, a flood of students shoving past each other to get to their classes. Anakin's first class was with his least favorite teacher, Professor Mace Windu.

"Everyone in," Windu snapped angrily. He wore a tan outfit and looked sharply at the students as they walked inside. "Open up your math textbooks and turn to page 332. There will no talking in this class. You do not need to speak to learn." It was Windu's philosophy, which Anakin never understood, but he wasn't going to think about it. 

Anakin sighed and heaved the bulky textbook out of his bag and onto the table, before fumbling for his pencil. He caught it just before it dropped to the ground. Next to him was Cody Fett, Obi-Wan's best friend. Cody was the most responsible of the Fett brothers and cared for them when their adoptive parents, Shaak Ti and Plo Koon, were away. 

Anakin stared at the page. Find the difference of 36x -106y multiplied by 57y and divided by 98. Graph your answer. He simply hoped that the answer would magically appeared in his mind. It didn't. 

Sighing, he got to work. Ten minutes and a sore hand later, Anakin had finished the problem. For the rest of the hour, he worked on the problems, and when the bell droned for the next period, he still had three pages left. 

"All you did not complete is homework due first thing tomorrow morning," Professor Windu reminded his class as a loud groan went up from the majority of the class. "If you don't complete it, you will get an automatic F for all of your homework and a detention with Professor Dooku."

Well, there goes my afternoon. Anakin thought. He held himself to a personal standard to get at least a 96% in every class. But Ahsoka, Padmé, and Obi-Wan helped him with his work a lot. 

Several hours later, Anakin met up with Padmé and his other friends for lunch. "How were your first classes?" Ahsoka asked. She sat down next to Rex. She preferred to eat and chat with her other friends besides the Nite Owls, but she spent most of her other time with the girls and the Fett brothers. 

"Horrible. Window assigned us five pages of homework and I only got two done. It's due first thing tomorrow and we get an automatic fail and detention if it's not done," Anakin groaned, picking at his food with his fork absent-mindedly.

"I'll help you with it, Ani," Padmé said, gently rubbing his arm. 

"Thanks, Angel. You're the best."

Ahsoka exchanged a secret smile with Rex. His amber eyes sparkled with amusement and mouthed They have no idea. Ahsoka smirked and took his hand under the table. He rubbed her knuckles and squeezed her hand. She squeezed back. 

There was a cough behind them. Koska. Rex dropped Ahsoka's hand in a flash and looked up. "What is it?" Ahsoka asked. Thank you. she thought. A moment longer and Anakin or Padmé might have spotted it. 

"You might want to re-think your plans for this evening," Koska advised, looking at her and Rex. "You want to come with us for food after school? It'll be better than this school trash."

"Sure," Rex answered for both of them and Koska walked off to the table where the Nite Owls were eating. 

"What were you going to do this evening?" Anakin asked suspiciously. Padmé mimicked her boyfriend's expression. Ahsoka suppressed a laugh. If Padmé and Anakin didn't get married, then that was their loss. They were literally a match made in heaven. 

"What? Cough it up, sis," Anakin pressured as Ahsoka began eating the food from the cafeteria. Rex did the same. "Snips, come on," Anakin said again, this time firmer. Ahsoka smiled to herself.

But she didn't reply. 

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