Chapter 9

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Anakin arrived at Padmé's house after school and knocked on the door. Her house was basically a mansion. It was a large tan building that was three stories with arching turquoise roofs that were paneled and it was surrounded by trees and vines that crawled up the tan walls. Even a small pond was in the middle of the shaded front garden that shed leaves in the fall over the cement in front of her house.

Padmé had changed out of her usual school clothing and was in dark blue jeans and a pale blue shirt. The shirt had baggy sleeves that went to her elbows and the shirt itself fell past her waist with a blue band tied around her waist in a tight knot. Her hair was loose from its parting and was curling down to her shoulders. 

"Hey, Ani," Padmé said, smiling as she let him in the house. They walked up to her room, which was elegant and way fancier than anything Anakin would ever have. Pale grey walls, yellow couches, and arching windows that let in the bright sunlight. She sat on one of the couches and Anakin did as well, after readjusting the pillow and throwing it to his girlfriend.

She caught it and smiled. "So what's up?" he asked her. A wave of sadness passed over her soft face and she glanced down with a bitter look on her features. 

"So you know the college I was hoping to apply for?" she asked shyly and Anakin nodded. It was where her mom had gone to college, and her father as well. It was hours away in Naboo county, but had a great political science program and a renowned teacher where Padmé's old friend, Sabé, went too. Sabé was Padmé's age, but was doing a junior scholar program there. "Well, I've working really hard and my dad said that with the SAT scores I'm hoping to get, I can make it in. I have language credits, service hours, AP and Honors class credits-"

"I get it," Anakin joked. "You're an overachiever." But he knew the situation. Obi-Wan didn't have to worry about it as much, especially because Sundari University, where Satine wanted to go, was also willing to accept Obi-Wan. Unlike Padmé, though, Anakin didn't have the credits or GPA and he wasn't willing to go into politics as a future. 

He was hoping to do engineering and robotics as his major instead, and an academy a few miles away had a good program and he certainly had the skillset to do it. Ahsoka, he knew, wanted to do something with international relations and also wanted to do a sports team. A few of the Fett brothers, including Cody and Hardcase, were thinking of going into the military, which their parents didn't like very much, but were still supportive. 

"So how are we gonna do that?" Padmé asked softly. "I want to continue being in a relationship with you, Ani, but I don't know how it will work out."

"Well.... I can get a drivers permit and borrow my mom's car and drive up to Naboo county or you could come down here on holidays and weekends to visit and get lunch or see a movie, you know?" he reassured, mistakenly ending it in a question. "It'll be fine, Angel, I promise." She smiled hopefully, hazel glittering slightly. 

"Thanks Anakin," she replied, curling a strand of curly hair behind her head. She suddenly grabbed a journal from her beside table and flicked it open. It was filled with buttons, fabrics, and drawing. Ah, yes. Anakin thought. Padmé Amidala, fashion designer extraordinaire. What do you have this time for Halloween?

What Padmé had was space wizards with laser swords and blasters with black armor and black masks with red eyes and red laser swords. Anakin looked at the one she had designed for him- a full body armor with a long black cape and a mask that covered all of his face with a triangular breathing system and a silver hilt of a red saber. For Padmé was a long black robe and black leggings with a silver blaster and shoulder-length black gloves. 

Anakin grinned. He loved this year's Halloween plans. 

Boba Fett hadn't left his room in three days. Your father would be proud of you, Boba. Bossk had said before handing the boy all that remained of his father after an operation gone wrong that had killed Jango Fett. What remained was a jacket covered in blood and ripped at the seams. 

"Kid!" Ventress snapped and burst through the barely hanging on wooden door. She wore leather clothing and high-heeled boots, her blonde hair swept angrily aside as she walked into the dusty and dark room. She threw him a bag of his things. "Out now."

"W-What?" he stammered in surprise, grasping the bag tightly. "But my father said I could stay here!" he protested defiantly, standing up and leveling his amber eyes with her icy blue ones. 

"And look where that got him," she snarled in reply before roughly shoving him towards the door. "Get out." With no other choice, Boba glanced down and walked slowly out of the dark home that Ventress lived in. Some nights her sisters would come over as well as a woman called Mother Talzin, but this was not one of those nights. 

He walked away from Ventress's house and down a street of warm-looking houses, hearing laughter from the homes. Another reminder that he lost his only family. Sooner or later, the state would come to collect him and shove him in an orphanage. Boba bit back the flood of tears that threatened to spill and dragged himself onto a section of the pavement in front of a two-story house. 

Using his bag as a pillow, he closed his eyes and began a long, restless night of what he assumed to be the first of many nights underneath the stars and without the warmth of his father and the feeling of a roof over his head. 

Fortunately for Boba Fett, a woman looked out the window and saw the boy lying alone on the street. Her blue eyes filled with sadness. For her, every child deserved a place to call home. That's why she and her husband had adopted a group of brothers whose birth father had abandoned them, leaving them to the mercy of the state. 

She glanced upstairs to where her sons were sleeping. She knew who he was and she knew that all of her adopted children hated this boy wholeheartedly. It was perhaps the only thing they agreed on these days. Part of her wanted to leave the boy and let officials take care of him, but another part of her wanted to take him. 

Knowing that her sons wouldn't like it, Shaak Ti picked up her cell phone and dialed a number. "This is the adoption agency. How may I help?" came the female voice from the other end. 

"Hi, I'm Shaak Ti. Yes, the woman who adopted the Fett brothers," she said with a knowing smile. 

"Of course, Mrs. Ti. Why have you contacted us?" the woman from the agency asked. 

"I would like the adoption papers on a Boba Fett," she replied. 

"Boba Fett, Mrs. Ti? We have a small file. Apparently his father was taking care of him," the woman replied, obviously reading off a sheet of paper. "I believe Jango Fett is still taking care of the boy. He is in no need of an adoptive family as of today."

Shaak paused, biting her lower lip like she did when she was nervous. "I don't think so," she said very carefully. "I'll check with you tomorrow. If he is available for adoption, please contact me before you start looking at alternative families."

"Are you positive, Mrs. Ti?" the woman asked uncertainly. "You're already the adoptive mother of five children."

"But what better place for Boba than with his biological family?" she countered and the woman reluctantly sighed.

"Of course, Mrs. Ti. I will review the file tomorrow and then speak with you."

"Thank you," she replied and hung up. 

A/N: Okay, probably more slow updates in the future. Just a heads up! You guys a 100% the best and thank you for being so patient and all your support with this book and my others. 


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