Chapter Fifteen

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Be safe.

Of all the things he could have said to her, he went with 'Be safe.'


He worried too much. Why won't she be safe? Their pack was one of the safest communities anyone could live in. Their security was top-notch. They are surrounded by other packs, which means before anything gets too close, they would know and act on time. It's not that she was leaving the jurisdiction of their territory. His mate was perfectly safe.

He was such a knucklehead.

"Be safe," Alex muttered to himself and shook his head in disbelief.

There are better words, endowments he could have used. He might have zero to no practice on how to deal with the subject of his passion. still, he could come up with a better choice of words. Words that would melt her panties off and push her into his arms, and he would watch her high wall of defense crumble at his feet.

Be safe

Alex panicked as the distance between them widened. His body, mind, soul, wolf, blood, water, muscles, everything he was made of wanted to be on the other side of town with her, except for the brain.

His brain's frontal lobe logical thinking box wouldn't let him stay with her. It kept reminding him he had a responsibility to his pack, and he was a leader that took his duties seriously. Especially with threats flying from left, right, and center.

Moreover, She was also part of the pack, so he was doing this for her as well.

Alex tried to justify leaving her alone with rational thinking. He had to be in the right mental state to perform his leadership duties. Assuring himself that he was not making a mistake was the logical thing, yet he couldn't shake off the sixth sense that insisted he would regret not taking her with him.

Be safe

As much as he tried, he couldn't shrug off the uneasiness of his words. He should have insisted she came with him dressed or not, however he didn't want to overstep the mark and undo the progress they've made.

Alex was close to his destination. He smoothly maneuvered his car to cover the remaining distance. He parked at his usual parking spot and tried to shake off his worries. The best he could do was get back to her as soon as possible.

He alighted from the vehicle, locked his car, and pocketed his key. He turned around to go into the building when Dr. Frank—their very own young surgeon, the youngest and best surgeon both in the human world and werewolves world—angrily stormed out of the packhouse. His long strides ate up the floor as Tessie ran and shouted, "I'm sorry!" after him. The good doctor ignored her, entered his car, and drove off. Two other vehicles followed him.

Tessie's face was all squashed like she was trying not to cry.

It looked like a lover's bite. Alex never would have imagined those two in any relationship outside work at the clinic. Not that they were breaking any rules, he was only surprised.

Aside from his parents, sister and Philip, Tessie was the only other person who refused to stay away from his grumpy self. Maybe it was because she was not a werewolf and couldn't feel the magnitude of his anger, even so, both weres and humans stayed away from him.

She didn't.

He did not understand that one.

She was friendly and boisterous, and she never took no for an answer. The word 'No' doesn't exist in her dictionary. Even though she was one of the few humans in a werewolf populated community, everyone adored her and wanted to be associated with her. Tessie brought out the positive side of the people around her.

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