chapter seven

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The party ended up being three days later, an event that did nothing but meet the usual Tony Stark expectations. Kae, however, refused to dress up like most everyone else was. Beside her, Natasha was trying to coax her into a pair of heels,

"Kae, come on," She waved the heels in front of her face while the blonde attempted to pin her hair back from her face, "It's a themed party."

"Yes," Kae rolled her eyes, "A theme which I already fit."

Nat rolled her eyes before setting down the heels and fixing a small flaw in her pin-up curls, "You've got the swing dress going for you, but those fishnets..."

"I do not need your judgment, Nat," Kae scowled as she put the final pin in her hair.

"Just do it," Gen encouraged, much like Alison had been previously.

Pursing her lips, the blonde snatched the shoes off the counter, "This does not mean you convinced me. Alison and Gen just like them."

The redhead smirked, "And Winter?"

"This is her whole style. There was no reason to even attempt to ask her opinion."

"Okay, first off, no," Winter's voice clearly portrayed her annoyance, "And second off, put on the shoes."

Kae glared at Winter in the mirror (which was technically just herself), scowling all the while. The heels were very different from the sneakers that she wore daily, and the height difference surprised her at first. She was actually taller than Nat now, the redhead was usually wearing tall enough heels that they'd be about the same height; it was unusual to say the least.

The redhead surveyed her for a moment before apparently deciding that Kae had fit her outfit requirements for the party. The party that had just started if the bass vibrating the floor was anything to go by.

Kae left the room and headed down the elevator to the party two floors below. When she stepped out, the party was in full swing. Thor was chatting with a group of veterans, Bruce was awkwardly ducking around crowds of chatting people, Steve and Sam were playing pool, Clint was chatting with Helen Cho, and Nat had broken off to chat with Tony, Maria, and Rhodey.

After glancing around the room, she set off to go talk to Esme and her fiancée Darcy were hovering next to Thor and the veterans, "So, have you decided on a date?"

Darcy grinned and adjusted her glasses, "We were thinking some time next fall, New Mexico is supposed to be really nice then."

Esme smiled beside her, smoothing out her blouse, "Apparently she's already picked out her dress."

"As if you haven't," Darcy giggled.

Kae smiled at the soulmates, she didn't see them often, but they were clearly good together. Suddenly, she was struck with a pang of fear that wasn't her own.

"You two have an emotive bond, don't you?" Kae asked, trying to shake off the foriegn emotion.

"Yes," Esme replied, a questioning look on her face as she gazed at the blonde, "Why?"

"The last few months, We've been getting these... thoughts. Sometimes feelings. We think from our soulmate."

Darcy's eyes widened, "Your soulmate has just been born?"

"No," Kae replied quickly, "I've had my mark since I was a few months old. It can't be that."

"I don't know what to say," Darcy frowned, her brow furrowed, "I've been able to feel Esme every moment of my life."

"It's not all the time, either," Alison pointed out, Kae repeating her words as she said them, "It started out a few times a week and now it's almost once a day."

"I don't think we can help you," Esme frowned, finally voicing an opinion on the conversation, "I've never heard of anything like that."

All the voices sighed at once, though only Kae's was aloud, "Thanks anyway. I hope you enjoy the party." Kae cracked the best smile she could and hoped it was convincing, "And I expect a wedding invitation."

"We'll find them soon, I'm sure," Gen reassured.

"We have got to be close," Winter agreed.

"For now, though," Kae turned her smile to the rest of the party, "Let's have fun."

A/N Hi... so it's been a while. Almost exactly three years. But WandaVision kicked me in the butt so now I have three more chapters already written for this book (which I'll post in the coming weeks) and about 2/3 of a rewrite of the Winter Soldier. I'll start posting that soon too, mainly because the new existence of Washington (which is the title of it) changes a few things in this book. So, spoiler alert for that one, but Bucky's going to be in this. The very next chapter, actually. I think it mostly gets explained by the dialogue, but if you have questions, totally ask! Anyway, I'm going to try to post once a week, and tomorrow I'll start posting Washington. 

As always, I hope you all have a fantastic day,

Aria :)

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