[KUROSHEITH] perfect little one~

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3rd person's pov

Keith rubbed his eyes as he awoke, huffing as he rolled over on his tummy. He felt a gentle hand rub his back, and he knew it was Shiro's. It was warm, comforting, calloused and rough compared to his smooth cold back. "Hey kay, sleep well?" He whispered, pulling the covers up to Keith's shoulders. Keith nodded but huffed a bit, scooting closer.

Shiro pulled him into his lap, bundling him in blankets. "Ah, puppy today love?" Keith nodded, silly daddy.

"I'm sorry puppy! Does the puppy want some comfy clothes and breakie?" He asked while he petted the little ones head, earning a couple soft arfs. He took that as a yes, scooping him up and holding him on his hip, covering him up in a blankie. He was sure he didn't quite remember the night before.

He had fallen asleep in the bath, giving Shiro a bit of a fright though he was perfectly alright. Shiro didn't want to wake him, so he just had Kuro help dry him and lay him down.

He walked him to his room, setting him down in his bed while he turned for the closet. Keith crawled out of the blanket, wiggling around and giggling at his Elmo sheets. He grabbed his Elmo stuffie, playing around with him before attempting to crawl off. Shiro gasped softly, picking him up and ticking his tummy earning some happy squeals.

He smiled, setting Keith on his dresser. Keith kicked his feet, sticking his thumb in his mouth and looking around the room. Shiro took a moment to watch, his pretty eyes still droopy and sleepy. His perfect little body, not minding being exposed. He was perfectly happy, such a perfect little one.

He brushed through his hair gently, adoring the beautiful color. He kissed his forehead. "I love you, sweet little pup." Keith squealed, kicking his feet and babbling it back.

Shiro beamed, helping him lift his arms to pull an Elmo t-shirt on him. Keith patted his tummy, hugging himself, happy to see the familiar face. He changed him into a pull up, watching as Keith pat and hugged at it as well, loving the space design on it. He slid a pair of bloomers on him, a sesame street print on them, a special present from Kuro. He placed a pacifier to his lips, his favorite red candy gloss one. And finally he put his jelly sandals on his little pawsies.

Keith reached up at him, babbling and blowing kisses from behind his paci. Shiro lifted him up, spinning around in the mirror with him. Keith beamed, kissing Shiro from behind his paci.

Shiro kissed his nose, carrying him to the kitchen to fill his Elmo sippy with water for him. He set Keith in his high chair, buckling him up and moving it close to the window. Keith looked out the window, reaching at it and kicking his feet.

He drank from his sippy, Shiro helping him to take his meds and vitamins. He made a simple breakfast, toast with some strawberries, everything homemade. Keith enjoyed how they made their own food or bought it from the nearby market, everything was always so good and filling. And it helped give him a little more energy without all the chemicals and preservatives.

He patted his tummy when he finished, showing daddy that he had eaten all his food. Shiro chuckled and pet his head, praising him proudly. "Good job babie! Does puppy wanna put a sticker on his chart?" They kept a chart for every meal or snack Keith ate, to help him and the twins both stay on top of healthy eating habits for him.

Keith babbled, reaching at the sticker basket. Shiro picks him up, letting him choose an elmo sticker and placing it on the correct spot for breakfast. He then carried him outside to play for a bit, setting him in the grass and taking his hand to help him toddle around. Kuro had gone off to collect wood for a campfire Keith had wanted to have for a while. But Keith didn't mind much, he was happy to stay and take a day with dada. Plus he was sure that their campfire would be lovely.

He quite adored s'mores, especially while Bubba held him on his hip and helped him, careful he wasn't too close to the fire. Keith didn't enjoy being too close, the heat a bit overwhelming, but at a comfortable distance it was enjoyable. Seeing his partner's faces lit by the fire, Feya and the ducks running around and playing.

Keith smiled as Shiro helped him lay in the grass, beaming down at the smiley boy. Shiro sat by him, rubbing his tummy to earn some squeals from him.

"Roll over, puppy!" Keith gasped softly, rolling from his back to his tummy. And with that earning some proud pets.

He loved doing tricks for daddy, making him proud. Shiro pulled him into his lap, kissing all over his little face as the duckies made their way over to play with the little one.

Keith giggled and Darrell the duck pecked at his jellys, earning squeals from the boy. Shiro chuckled, "Maybe we should get darrel some jellies, huh sweetie?" Keith giggled some more and nodded as he patted Darrell's head. Darrell made a few loud quacks, gaining more giggles and a few quacks in return.

He rolled around and played with the duckies for a while, Shiro watching happily. Keith squealed and picked one of the ducks up, showing Shiro the paci he had put in it's mouth.

Shiro smiled, gasping softly. "Oh baby look at that! So good at sharing, hm?" Keith nodded and babbled to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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