Sick day

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3rd persons pov

On a Saturday morning Shiro was woken up by his door creaking open, the bed dipping and a small body trying to wiggle into his arms. He opened his eyes and his arms, smiling down at the pale boy.

Keith had already nuzzled his face into Shiro's chest and wrapped him into a hug. Shiro rubbed his back gently and kissed the top of his head. "Good morning, sweetheart."

Keith smiled a bit into Shiro's chest. "Morning.." He mumbled softly. He usually always mumbled or spoke softly, in public or private. He never liked being a loud person, at least as long as Shiro had known him. They both knew Shiro wouldn't mind if he was. Sometimes, when he was in headspace and in a good mood, Shiro could get some loud giggles and squeals out of him. Keith never seemed to mind that, it probably got boring staying so quiet all the time. But he had his reasons, Shiro knew and understood that. He had a rough past, it would probably stick with him the rest of his life. Shiro understood that and stayed patient with him, always trying to make sure he was happy.

Shiro tilted head a bit. "Everything alright love?" Keith nodded quietly and hid his face more. Shiro nodded, making a mental note to keep an eye on him.

"Alright, you want some breakfast?" Keith shook his head once more.

"Not yet...I just wanna stay like this for a little bit longer.." Shiro nodded and they stayed like that for a while before Shiro sat up, holding Keith's thighs gently and keeping him on his lap. His head moved from his chest to his shoulder, still staying hidden.

"K-Kashi...I'm cold..." he nuzzled his neck softly, attempting to hide from the "cold". But he wasn't cold..his body was actually hot..Shiro gently eased his head out of his neck, making the boy look up at him. His pale cheeks were flushed pink.

Shiro placed a hand on his forehead and around his cheeks. "You're warm.." Keith whined at this information, trying to hide again.

Shiro kissed the side of his head and picked him up, carrying him to the bathroom and setting him on the counter. Keith whined and kicked his feet quietly, his thumb slipping into his mouth. "Stay there for a second, sunshine." Shiro said as he left the bathroom, coming back with Keith's teething ring and a pacifier, holding up both.

"which one?" Keith pointed to the teething ring. Shiro handed it to him and Keith immediately put it in his mouth, chewing on it.

Shiro kissed the top of his head and took the thermometer, putting it in his ear and patting his back. Keith whined and squirmed. "Hold on precious, almost done." He placed a kiss to his nose before the thermometer beeped.

He took it out and frowned. "A bit of a fever honey.." Keith whined and spit out the ring, letting it fall on the floor as he sniffled.

Shiro frowned more and picked him back up, holding him on his hip with both arms. "Shh..sunshine don't's okay..." Keith sniffled and cried softly into Shiro's shoulder. Shiro rubbed and pat his back as he carried him back to his room, sitting on the bed with him.

Keith loved being in Shiro's room, headspace or not. The whole bed was white and the walls were light gray. It was so soft and inviting in contrast to his own dark room. It smelled like Shiro too, that heavenly scent he had every single day since they met.

Keith continued to cry and sniffle for a while, Shiro keeping him close and whispering soft comforts in his ear. Being sick was hard on him, mentally draining. He was always told that being sick was bad and he would get punished for it when he was younger. Shiro always did his best to keep the boy calm, happy, and in a stable mindset when he wasn't feeling his best. He always tried not to let his worry show, knowing Keith had always had a weaker immune system and was more prone to catching something. When Shiro was sick, which was rare, but it did happen once or twice. Keith absolutely loved taking care of him, giving him snuggles and kisses, being told how good he was doing. It was a really great feeling for him.

Once Keith's cries had calmed down to only sniffles and hiccups his thumb made its way into his mouth. Shiro kisses the side of his head and took his pacifier out of his pocket, removing his thumb gently and slipping his pacifier in its place. Keith sucked on the rubber contently, snuggling into Shiro a bit more.

Shiro smiled and watched him for a bit, staying silent. "Wanna try and get some food in your little tummy sweet boy?" He asked and he placed a few soft kisses around his shoulder.

Keith thought for a bit before nodding and whining. Shiro tilted his head and looked down at him. "What's wrong sunshine? Does something hurt?" Keith sniffled and nodded, taking Shiro's hand and placing it on his belly.

"Tummy dada...tummy hurt..." He mumbled as his sniffles and hiccups started to turn into cries again. Shiro kisses his head and placed a hand up his shirt to rub his smooth belly gently.

Keith cried softly and spit his pacifier out into Shiro's lap. "Aw precious don''s okay...I know you don't feel good honey...I know your tummy hurts and you're scared...but it's okay...I'm right here...we're gonna be just fine sweetheart." He hushed softly and he hugged him close, putting his pacifier back in his pocket.

Keith sniffled and whined as he clung tightly to him. Shiro picked him up gently, keeping him close and bouncing him in his arms as he walked around the room. A few giggles escaped the boy as he looked around with his newfound height. "What the view like up there sunshine?" Shiro asked as he looked at the giggling boy. Keith smiled slightly down at him and nuzzled the top of his head. "'s pretty..." he mumbled softly.

Shiro kissed the side of his head. "You're pretty." Keith smiled at that, looking up at him and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks." He mumbled before laying his head back down.

Shiro smiled and rubbed his back as he brought him downstairs and into the kitchen. Keith smiled and ran his hands along the walls and cupboards where the light shined through the window. "That's you, sunshine."

Keith nodded and placed a few soft kisses to his shoulder. "That's me.."

"What do you want for breakfast sweetheart?" Keith shrugged and slipped his thumb into his mouth, nursing quietly.

"Some toast with bananas?" He suggested. Keith nodded quietly.

Shiro kissed his head once more before making it for him and sitting on the couch with him. He handed Keith the spaceship plate and wrapped his arms loosely around his belly, holding him in his lap. Keith leaned back into him and Shiro rested his head on his shoulder. He watched as Keith ate quietly, pressing soft kisses to his cheek every once in a while until he finished.

Shiro took the plate and set it on the coffee table, picking Keith back up and taking the plate. He placed the plate in the sink and took one of Keiths sippy cups, filling it with water and handing it to the boy. Keith drank it quietly and Shiro carried him back upstairs and into his room.

"Let's get you changed into some comfy clothes for the day sunshine." Keith nodded as Shiro set him on the dresser. Shiro gently took off the boys current shirt, placing some soft kisses on his belly before sliding an oversized black tee on him. Keith smiled and pat his belly as Shiro changed him into a pull up and some shorts. It would be easier for both of them if Keith wore a pull up. Then he wouldn't have to worry about getting up to use the bathroom in between naps. He clipped a pacifier onto his shirt and handed him his red lion stuffie, which Keith immediately hugged close and babbled to.

"Are you telling red a story honey?" Keith giggled and nodded, continuing to babble away happily. Shiro took a blanket and wrapped it around his shoulder to keep him warm. He then picked Keith back up and carried him to his room, figuring it was a good idea so he could keep an eye on him.

Keith smiled and looked around the room before he was placed in Shiro's bed. Keith smiled and rolled himself up in the blankets, burying his face in the pillows to intake his scent. Shiro chuckled and climbed in bed with him, laying down and holding him close. Keith snuggled into him and placed red on his chest.

"Red says she wants to take her nappy on dada.." Keith mumbled as he rested his head on his shoulder. Shiro chuckled and kissed the side of his head softly, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Does she? Well dada would love to let her take her nap on him." He said as he stroked Keith hair softly, earning a few coos out of him. Keith smiled and slipped his paci in his mouth, nursing quietly on the rubber as he closed his eyes.

Sheith/Kurosheith age regression one shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora