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3rd persons pov

Keith huffed as he shut the front door behind him after a stressful day at college. All he wanted to do was come home and regress and get snuggles from Shiro.

There were two flaws in his plan, though. One, Shiro was still at work and would be for at least another hour. Two, no matter what Keith tried on his way home, he couldn't get himself to regress.

Usually, regression was quite easy for Keith, usually just thinking about regressing put him into a light headspace. But today was different. He was stressed, frustrated and touch starved. He just wanted to be small and get snuggles from dada. But that wasn't working today,

He set his backpack down, next to the bench where his and Shiro's many shoes sat. He put his shoes on the bench and made a beeline for the stairs, climbing up and heading straight to his room. He grabbed his paci out of the drawer in his nightstand and immediately put it in his mouth. He sucked on it, nothing.

He made his way to his closest, looking over the little side and grabbing a pull up and one of Shiro's t-shirts that was always stashed in there just in case.

It was embarrassing to dress himself while not in headspace. Usually it would help him slip more but again, nothing.

He grabbed his Shiro stuffie that he'd had for years now, the sewn on smile looking back at him happily. Keith grabbed his coloring things also and went back downstairs, sitting at the kitchen counter to color a picture for Shiro when he got home.

Even coloring didn't help. So he tired playing with some toys, nothing. He tried some yummy snacks, nothing. He tried cartoons, nothing. He tried babbling, that just embarrassed him. Nothing was helping him regress and it was making him more frustrated than before.

He sighed and took one more attempt at coloring.

Before he knew it, Shiro was pulling in the driveway. Normally Shiro would be greeted at the door by a little boy wanting to snuggle and play, or a big boy who wanted some kisses and help with dinner. Neither of those met him in the doorway tonight. Shiro looked around, no Keith in sight.

Maybe he was busy cooking. He took of his shoes and set them on the bench before making his way to the kitchen. Shiro was surprised to find a seemingly little boy sitting at the counter, attempting to color. Though most of the time when coloring Keith would be kicking his feet happily or humming the tune to a Disney song. As he got closer he realized Keith was actually crying, tears falling down his cheeks and staining the picture he had been coloring.

Shiro frowned at sat on the stool next to him, a hand going to rub his back. "Hey sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked softly.

Keith took a moment to reply, not even the nickname or the hand on his back made him feel any smaller. He sniffled softly and wiped his eyes with his arm. "I-I...I-I can't r-regress.."

Then it clicked for Shiro and all made sense. No greeting at the door, the still and silent boy at the counter. Poor thing was so worked up over not being able to be small.

Shiro stood up and kissed the top of his head while his hand remained rubbing the boys back. "How about a nap before dinner love." Keith hicced softly and nodded.

Shiro gently picked him up, holding him on his hip and wiping his tears. Keith rested his head on his shoulder, allowing himself to relax into the older one holding him.

Shiro carried him to his room and laid him down in his bed, tucking him in and kissing his forehead. Keith turned on his side to nuzzle the blankets and take in Shiro's scent. Shiro rubbed his back gently and hummed softly as Keith closed his eyes. He continued his actions until he was sure Keith was asleep.

Shiro got up and quietly left the room and shutting off the lights and closing the door softly. He checked the baby monitor to make sure Keith was still asleep, sure enough he was. He smiled and went back downstairs to start on dinner.

It was difficult deciding on what to make since he didn't know if Keith would wake up regressed or not. He decided on pasta since it was something both big and small Keith enjoyed. While he waited for the water to boil, he cleaned up the small mess Keith had made while Shiro was at work. He put the toys back in their respectful baskets, categorized by age range. He put the plate with the snacks to the side as Keith might want it later. He put his tablet that was still playing Micky Mouse Clubhouse on the couch so Keith could find it later if he still wanted to watch cartoons.

Meanwhile, Keith slept peacefully for an hour or so. He rubbed his eyes as he woke up, looking around the room. He was all alone. Keith shrugged, that was ok. He laid silently for a bit, listening to the faint sounds of Shiro downstairs in the kitchen. Maybe he needed some help?

He chewed on his shirt collar and babbled softly as he climbed out of bed, more a less falling on his bottom. He giggled and crawled around as he babbled random nonsense.

Shiro glanced over at the monitor to find an empty bed but Keith laying on the floor and giggling and he tried to grab his feet. He chuckled and set the wooden spoon down, he had a few minutes before the pasta was done.

He could already hear Keith's babbles as he reached the top of the stairs. He carefully opened the door and spotted a little boy crawling around, somehow having managed to get his shirt off by himself.

Shiro chuckled once more and went to pick the wiggly boy up. He seemed to be in the 0-2 range of his regression so it wasn't very surprising that he had wet his pull up. Keith didn't even seem to notice though as he giggled happily. "Dada!! Dah!!"

Shiro smiled and kissed his forehead. "Sunshine!" Keith squealed and babbled some more, just making random sounds. Shiro listening as he grabbed his shirt off the floor, tossing it in the hamper.

"Dinners almost ready, honey. How about I get you changed into some dry and cozy clothes and then we eat, then maybe play a bit and watch some Disney movies before bed?" Shiro suggested as Keith pat his tummy and babbled away.

Shiro took that as a yes, carrying to his room and grabbing a clean diaper and a pastel t-shirt out of his closet. He also grabbed a teething toy as Keith was now chewing on his hair.

Keith whined a bit at first as Shiro's hair was replaced with the teether but soon went back to his happy noises. Shiro set him down on the floor and Keith wasted no time getting on his hands and knees to crawl around.

Shiro chuckled and laid down the changing mat, grabbing the wipes and his crawling boy. Keith didn't make a fuss as he was laid down on the mat, just chewed on the toy and hummed the tune to a Disney song. If he had been in an older headspace he probably would've been more embarrassed about being changed even though Shiro had assured him countless times that it wasn't a big deal.

Every change he did feel less and less embarrassed though. He was 23 after all, Shiro had been his caregiver since he was at least 12. He wasn't uncomfortable around Shiro and it wasn't like Shiro hadn't seen him naked, it was just embarrassing for him.

Shiro kissed his belly softly once he had finished, causing an eruption of giggles out of the smaller boy. Shiro sat him up and put the soft shirt on him before picking him up once more, his prosthetic arm under his bottom and his free hand brushing his bangs out of his face. Keith chewed on the toy as Shiro carried him back down but eventually Shiro's collar found its way into Keith mouth.

Shiro didn't mind, it could always be washed.

Sheith/Kurosheith age regression one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now