Trip to the Movies

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3rd persons pov

Keith had woken up out of headspace that morning, which was good for both him and Shiro because they had planned a trip to the movies. It was a rainy day and they didn't have anything better to do.

Keith never liked the rain, it just made him feel sad. It always had a bad inclination. Rain and thunderstorms, both were always bad.

But maybe it was fitting for the time being. Ever since he was 13 Keith had always loved horror movies. They did scare him sometimes when he thought about them while in headspace, but he tried not to do that often. Shiro didn't love them quite as much as Keith did but he knew they made Keith happy.

Shiro gently squeezed Keith's hand as they pulled into the parking lot of the theatre. Keith looked over at him and smiled, lifting his hand up and placing a soft kiss to the back of it.

Shiro smiled and their hands briefly parted as they got on of the car, fingers quickly tangling back together the second they were both out.

They walked into the theatre, paid for the tickets, and got popcorn quickly. Shiro carried the popcorn as Keith dragged him into the theatre excitedly. They easily found their seats and sat down, Keith's legs bouncing with anticipation as it started.

Shiro looked over at him and smiled, Horror movies always got him so excited and happy. It was nice to see something other than himself put such a smile on his face.

Once the movie had been playing for a bit, Keith finally calmed down and relaxed into his seat. He kept his eyes glued to the screen as he watched it, eating popcorn every once in a while.

Shiro watched quietly, looking over to check on Keith every once in a while. He always had the same awed expression on his face, it was adorable.

Once the movie had ended Keith jumped up and looked over at Shiro excitedly. "Wasn't that awesome!?"

Shiro chuckled and nodded, standing up and kissing the top of the smaller boys head. "Amazing."

Once they got home they sat around and watched another movie or two on Netflix. When it was around eleven Keith decided to call it a night, earning a kiss from Shiro before going off to his room.

Shiro decided to stay up a bit and watch one more movie, ending up falling asleep on the couch.

The next morning he was awoken by a poke to his side. He rubbed his eyes and looked over to see who was interrupting his slumber. He smiled when he saw it was just Keith, standing there and looking down at his feet, his hands fidgeting with and pulling at the bottom of his shirt. A shirt that actually happened to be Shiro's.

Shiro smiled and sat up, gently lifting the boys chin to look at him. "What up, love?" He asked, deciding to play it safe in case Keith wasn't in headspace.

Keith remained silent and just let his head fall back down. Shiro frowned and kissed to top of it.

"Nightmares?" Keith shook his head.

"Hungry? Thirsty?" Keith shrugged.

"Do you need help with something?" Keith remained still for a bit before shaking his head.

"Did you have an accident?" He asked, already assuming that wasn't the answer because Keith still looked pretty dry. Keith shook his head.

"Do you just want some snuggles?" Keith nodded a bit and shuffled into his arms. Shiro smiled and hugged him close, giving his back a few soft kisses.

"Honey?" Shiro asked softly as he looked up at the boy standing in his arms.

"Mhm?.." Keith hummed in response.

Sheith/Kurosheith age regression one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now