Watching Quidditch

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Naruto POV

Thanks to me playing with special permission from the headmaster last year, we won the quidditch cup. I ask Oliver if he still wants a reserve team, as last year  he couldn't do it. He said yes and so I became a reserve chaser and reserve seeker as well. While I wasn't as good as Harry, I was good enough to get that position. Choji and Lee come to see what was quidditch and they were fascinated.

"So, how many players are there?" Choji asked

"How do you win?" Lee asked

"I will tell you everything, I promise" I said "there are seven players, Choji. Three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and one seeker. The chasers grabbed the quaffle and try to put it in those rings, if they do, is ten points. The beaters, hit the this nasty guys, bludgers and protect the seeker and chasers or take them down, depending on the team. The keeper, tries to block the quaffle and the seeker has to caught the snitch, if he or she caught it, it's game over for the other team. It's an instant win, as it's worth one hundred and fifty points"

"That's an interesting game" said Choji

"I love to played" I said "I am on the reserve team, as the team is full right now"

"How can a loser like you be on the quidditch team?" Asked a familiar nasty voice. I decided to ignore him.

"Let's go guys" I said "before I curse mr elite and lose points because of it. Want to see us practice?

"Sure thing!" Said Choji and Lee at the same time. We got out of the courtyard before Sasuke decided to say anything else. 

"Sasuke is nastier than usual" said Lee "he is really good even in here"

"I was good too" I said "first year is easy, if you pay attention. Of course, if you have a moron in DADA, that class won't be good"

"I agree" said Shikamaru "so, what's this quidditch?". I then saw as Lee and Choji explained him what it was with happiness "it's too troublesome"

"You say that now" I said "wait for actually seen it and you may change your mind"

"Namikaze!" Said then the voice my quidditch capitan, Oliver Wood "time to train!"

"Sure thing" I said "do you mind if this two first years come and see how is quidditch?" 

"Sure" said Oliver "but not the Ravenclaws, they would have to ask the quidditch capitan of their house"

"Why?" Asked Shikamaru

"You may tell someone you saw how we play and they would interrogate you for our plays" said Oliver. Shikamaru nodded

"See you later, Shikamaru!" I said as I run to the quidditch field.

Sakura POV

Today was something called a quidditch match. I read it was a wizarding sport and my house was playing against Gryffindor, Naruto's house as well as Choji's and Lee's house. We went to the stadium and we wait for the players to enter. Naruto and two girls come out flying brooms, followed by two redhead twins, a older black hair boy and another younger one, that I immediately recognize as Harry Potter, one of Naruto's best friend as well as his cousin, according to what I heard

"Naruto-kun plays?" Said Hinata, who was watching alongside us. She and Ino come with us, wanting to be with people they know. When the game began, my eyes widened. Naruto was really good and was flying on his broom like he has done it for years.

"Kati!" Naruto said "Catched!!!". He throw a brown ball to a girl and she quicky went and throw it an ring.

"Gryffindor score!" Screamed a kid "that's ten points to cero!. Bell has the quaffle, she throw it to Namikaze and he throws it to... intercepted by the Ravenclaw chaser, Davies !. But Namikaze get it back quicky and throws it at the ring before the Ravenclaw keeper can react!!!". The game went on for another half hour and we were losing badly. One hundred for Gryffindor and eighty for my house.

"If Chang gets the snitch, we will win" said Shikamaru "but if Potter get's it first...."

"We will lose badly" I said. And not even ten minutes later, our fears come true, Harry Potter got the snitch in a very impressive way.

"He is good" Hinata said "and Naruto-kun is amazing!". I was starting to get jealous of Hinata. I really hope that if Naruto doesn't like her that way, he will do it kindly and not like a idiot.

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