Part 12

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Dick POV:
After we unlocked Jason or Red Hood, we all went into the controls room to start thinking of a plan to take the Court down.
"Me and Hood have a vague idea of what we're up against," is how the conversation started.
Jason looked up from the floor,"Birdy is right, we were trained by the best but him even more so, they'll use our teachers to take us down knowing full well our weaknesses and exploiting them."
The League looked torn, while the team looked confused.
Wally had the most puzzled look on his face, "Jason, what do you mean Dick was trained worse?"
All eyes flickered to Jason at Kids question.
"He was the only Talon personally trained by Deathstroke."
Silence illuminated the room so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"Who's Deathstroke" glares were sent to the young speedster.
Batman stepped forward with a batglare aimed at KF, "He's one of the most feared assassins and mercenaries, he can't even be caught by the Justice League."
"A man who can't be caught by the League, were doomed" more glares sent KF's way.
"Shut it kid mouth!" Artemis hit him behind the head.
"Well I'm his student so maybe I can take care of him while you take out the bigger threat" I suggested
"That's too risky there's no way to say you won't get majorly hurt or killed" Batman gave me a stern look full of fatherly care.
Diana or WW put a hand on Bruce's shoulder with kindness laced into her tone, "He's a big boy Bruce, and he's also our only option," she added, "trust me if there was another way we'd do it, I don't like this as much as you."
"Sorry to interject but if he's got Deathstroke handled than where does that leave us," Zantanna Aka my girlfriend spoke up.
"That means the League and team will have to handle the Talons while Jason and I will have to finish the court from the center" stated the Dark Knight.
"Now the last place the Court was located was below this warehouse" I pulled up a picture of the warehouse on the computer, "But either they left or there setting up a trap knowing we're coming"
"It's a trap" Jason said while drawing something on a sketch pad. I yanked it out of his hands looking out it while he yelled "Hey!" It was a red suit that looked biker style with a red helmet with white eye holes that relate to mine.
"Is this your new outfit?" I questioned.
He grumbled out a "yes" and I have the paper design to Batman before he could say another word.
"I'll give this to Agent A, it should be ready by the time we leave" Jason tried not to smile at the Bats words but is knew he was happy for finally dressing himself in whatever he desired, reminds me of the day I got my robin outfit.
Hours later of different scenario planning, some sparring and other thing that I won't go into detail about Jason's suit was delivered.
Everything he wanted was included in the suit especially the red. When he waled out Wally was grumbling about how he needed a cooler suit like Hoods.
Zantanna liked the suit which sorta made me feel self conscious cause I'm practically a traffic light.
This was a good chance to start thinking a remodel but I'll wait for a less diabolical time.
Zee watched how I got sort of jealous and walked over to me and placed a chastised kiss on my cheek.
I'm not gunna lie, it helped a lot.
She whispered in my ear, "Don't worry wonder boy my eyes are always all over you" my cheeks flamed and she laughed.

Talon before a Robin (Batman & Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now